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Showing posts from October, 2018

Enter, Perceive, Respond - Articulate Article Must Read - Stop Committing Treason Against Yourself

- Above art work found @: Objectivist Standard Ayn Rand's Method for Slaying Monsters By, Jon Hersey October 31, 2018 "Rand: "The motive and purpose of my writing," she wrote in regard to her fiction, "is the projection of an ideal man. The portrayal of a moral ideal, as my ultimate literary goal, as an end in itself. One of the most fundamental evils Rand identified is collectivism: the subjugation of the individual - his mind, his judgment, values - to a group. In his youth , one of the main characters wished to be an artist. But he allows his mother to talk him into pursuing a more "respectable profession": architecture. Years later, his monumental errors are made clear to him. He hates, with all of his being, the career he's chosen and the way he's gone about it. It's a terrifying prospect: committing treason against oneself , against one's deepest values and ambitions." ~ Read entire long in-depth though...

Enter, Perceive, Respond - The U.S. Government Is To Protect Me From Iranian Muslim Terrorists - What's The Fucking Problem?

The Purpose of Politics: No More Politics! By Michael Hurd October 30, 2018 "The goal of limited government - at least for me - is NOT to have to talk about politics anymore. The Bill of Rights and Constitution exist to protect us from too much government - not too little. It's the advocates of BIG, involved and expansive government who care the most about politics. Politics refers mainly to the intrigues, deceptions, dishonor and corruption of the people who run the government. When a government goes beyond its proper boundaries, it runs aspects of people's lives it should not be involved in . We need a national government primarily to make sure we are physically safe from external threats from outsiders who wish to destroy our liberty . - Read entire article @: DrHurd For me it is not wish to destroy my liberty, they have been destroying my liberty basically my entire life. I am talking about Iranian sandnigger Muslims and their gang. I am not talking ...

The Power of Observation: Looting

"The purchasing manager shook his head. "No, Mr. Rearden, it's one or the other. The same kind of brain can't do both . Either you're good at running the mills or you're good at running to Washington." "Maybe I ought to learn their method." "You couldn't learn it and it wouldn't do you any good. You wouldn't win in any of those deals. Don't you understand? You're the one who's got something to be looted." - Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand, pg 303

#IDONTEXIST4U - I Deal With Traders, NOT Beggars

"Rearden: "The worst thing about people is not the insults they hand out, but the compliments. I couldn't bear the kind they spouted tonight, particularly when they kept saying how much everybody needs me - they, the city, the country and the whole world, I guess. Apparently, their idea of the height of glory is to deal with people who need them . I can't stand people who need me ." "Rearden to Dagny you say it, " Like a trader - who pays for what he wants. They say it like beggars who use a tin cup as a claim check."" - Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand, pg 276

I Don't Like Being Punished By Defrauders - Understand Fatemi?

"Rearden had to decide how much he could risk to invest upon the sole evidence of a man's face, manner and tone of his voice, hating the state of having to hope for honesty as for a favor, but risking it, pouring money into unknown hands in exchange for unsupported promises, into unsigned, unrecorded loans to dummy owners of failing mines - money handed and taken furtively, as an exchange between criminals, parties knowing that in case of fraud, the defrauded was to be punished , not the defrauder ." - Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand, pg 302 Alireza Fatemi and gang this is another message to you scum fuck. The world might like playing game upon game with you scum, I don't fuck! Not out here pretending sandnigger Iranian Islamic fuck! Filthy fuck of the world!

#IDONTEXIST4U - I Don't Celebrate Halloween In Any Manner, But You Coward Shit Fucks CAN!

Dear World, Don't have fucking children to bring them into the world to USE . To use to set others up for your sex shit fuck shows, because you cannot earn a proper living. To use as human shields. To use for a relationship. To USE USE USE. You are the shit fucks of the world that have children, to use for any purpose. Especially the purpose of using kids to destroy others, for the mere intent of destruction . To use kids to gain a value, by defrauding others is WRONG! To teach kids, that harming others in a deceptive manner, is beneficial to life, you have set them up to fail miserably. More importantly that destroying others in cunning ways is the only fashion to gain values. How vicious YOU are! You are the bottom dwelling SCUM of the earth.

"The Power Of Thought And Choice And Purpose" - The Power Of A Mind

"Every part of the motors was an embodied answer to " Why ?" and " What for ?" - like the steps of a life-course chosen by the sort of mind she worshiped. The motors were a moral code cast in steel. They are alive , she thought, because they are the physical shape of the action of a living power - of the mind that had been able to grasp the whole of this complexity, to set its purpose, to give it form. For an instant, it seemed to her that the motors were transparent and she was seeing the net of their nervous system. It was a net of connections , more intricate, more crucial than all of their wires and circuits: the rational connections made by that human mind which had fashioned any one part of them for the first time. They are alive , she thought, but their soul operates them by remote control. Their soul is in every man who has the capacity to equal this achievement. Should the soul vanish from the earth, the motors would stop, because that is the po...

What Must You DO?

Observe and Understand: The Benefits Capitalism Has For Your Own Life

Capitalism is the best idea for you life, rights, prosperity, happiness, . . . and of all if they chose it. It does not mean it requires you to be the richest person, the famous, the business owner, the CEO, . . .  but ONLY what you chose as your career or work. To be the best you can be, to the specific ability you have, no matter how low, or high. 

#IDONTEXIST4U - Don't Plan One Second Of My Life, In Any Manner

Altruism - Theory " What is the moral code of altruism ? The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake , that service to other is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value. Do NOT confuse altruism with kindness, good will or respect for the rights of others . These are not primaries, but consequences, which, in fact, altruism makes impossible. The irreducible primary of altruism, the basic absolute, is self-sacrifice - which means; self-immolation, self-abnegation, self-denial, self-destruction - which means : the self as a standard of evil, the selfless as the standard of the good." - Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Altruism Theory

Enter, Perceive, Respond - Rhode Island to Expunge the Criminal Records of those Sentenced for Simple Possessions . . .

#IDONTEXIST4U - Like Flea-Bait Riding On Your Back? Hell No!

"I don't think I like people very much, Mr. Taggart. Not most of them." "I don't either. Not any of them." "I thought a man like you - you wouldn't know how mean they can be and how they try to step on you and ride on your back , if you let them . I thought the big men in the world could get away from them and not have to be flea-bait all of the time, but maybe I was wrong." "What do you mean flea-bait?" "Oh, it's just something I tell myself when things get tough - that I've got to beat my way out to where I won't feel like I'm flea-bitten all the time by all kinds of lousiness - but maybe it's the same anywhere, only the fleas get bigger." "Much bigger." - Atlas Shrugged, By Ayn Rand, pg 229

Enter, Perceive, Respond - An Option To Get The Fuck Out of America

Dear Benjamin Netanyahu, I have relinquished my American citizenship due to the inaction of Americans to take a problem seriously. I am not Jewish, nor religious in any sense, but I am OVER being terrorized by Iranian and Palestinian Muslims who have been viciously destroying my entire life. I am barely alive and my last actions I would like to accomplish are violent ones, which would be directed at your enemies also. If there is an American who understands your plight over there in the Middle East, it is I, who have felt the wrath of Iranian and Palestinian Muslims my entire life, in America. I am so over the country called fucking America and Americans . It is sad that I say that, but I AM ! I am also over the country called fucking England. But the real problem lies with the countries Iran, Palestine and some others. It is the inaction by America and England that I want to rid myself from. I heard that all Israeli citizens are required to join the military. I want to put a unif...

Why My HATE Grows EVERYDAY America and Americans

"I don't do business that way and I don't deal with cowards ." - Atlas Shrugged, By Ayn Rand, pg 223 It is amazing individuals who think they are capable of being leaders, want to be a leader, . . . I have never been out here to be a leader and the position I have been put in, is the worst position for an active individual, in the evilest show on earth. Trust me if you think I am in your plan, I promise you I am NOT ! I don't associate with those who do not communicate with me. How in the hell do I know what the fuck you are doing, if you are even capable of handling the task, competent to use your fucking brain, very unlikely, . . . I hate America and Americans for their utter inaction, regarding an evil fuck show they claim is serious. But while they clamor about such seriousness, they enjoy life, not regarding the seriousness of the situation, they keep demanding is bad. While I live in the greatest HELL on earth, I watch them enjoy their life, and ...

#IDONTEXIST4U - Think I Am Looking For LOVE? - WATCH!

Never give up!  - NO it is never allow scum to use you, while they thoroughly enjoy life, get me second handed scum of the world? My mind is so frazzled and twisted from so much crazy making.  Vultures viciously ripping you to shreds, while others stand by. My life and mind barely functioning, but not surrendering. Rather be DEAD, than submit. Submit to those creatures who show up to my face after their tormenting rampage on my life and now I am in a state of decay, vulnerable, weak, . . . DEMENTED ! The nightmare of a strong, vivacious, ambitious, . . .  individual to be so feeble, but holding on to some slither of owning her life. Told you to get the fuck out of my life Iranian fuck long ago! You did not listen fuck . I said, you did not listen Iranian Muslim fuck! Now watch Iranian Muslim!

#IDONTEXIST4U - America Think I Owe You Something, Respect, . . .?

Words mean nothing, without a philosophical background attached to them, held by those who utter them. Most human beings are just a bunch of babbling idiots, and I meant that. Among radically incompetent and negligent. My words mean what they are listen to this. " Watch what the fuck you all did to my one precious life ." I have been seeking justice since 2005, it is 2018 and you are competent to solve fucking problems? No you are fucking NOT! The Iranian Muslim whose been fucking up my entire life, whose hated America ever since he arrived here, tells the world England is the enemy, while he sends hacks claiming his hate for America and he owes American nothing! While he clamors for a position of power in America , setting up England, he continues his hacking statements reiterating his hate for America. While telling the world he is solving America's problems and mine, England is the enemy, not him! Watch me take my life, for what you scum fuck Americans and En...

Enter, Perceive, Respond - The Question Is, What Is The Public Good, If Not This?

""Isn't it generally agreed that an owner is a parasite and an exploiter, that it is the employees who do all the work and make the product possible? I did not exploit anyone. I did not burden the San Sebastian Mines with my useless presence; I left them in the hands of the men who count . I did not pass judgment on the value of that property. I turned it over to a mining specialist. He was not a very good specialist, but he needed the job very badly. Isn't it generally conceded that when you hire a man for a job, it is his need that counts, not his ability? Doesn't everyone believe that in order to get the goods, all you have to do is need them? I have carried out every moral precept of our age . I expected gratitude and a citation of honor. I do not understand why I am being damned."" ""This is outrageous!" Taggart's voice started to rise. "It's perfectly outrageous to treat your public responsibilities with such thoughtle...

#MYRT2EXIST - I Don't Like The Word 'Hope' I Try Not To Use It

""What's the use anyway? What is man's fate?  Hasn't it always been to hope, but never to achieve? The wise man is the one who does not attempt to hope." " That is the right attitude to take ."" - Atlas Shrugged, By Ayn Rand, pg 153 Never been out here hoping other people would solve my problems. First off, I don't want other people to solve my problems. Understand Iranian Muslim and gang! You don't have the authority to solve my fucking shit! Secondly, my name is not attached to your actions.  Never gave you consent, nor permission  to be part of your fuck show, sandnigger and gang?  Understand fucks ! "Because they're a bunch of children  who struggle to remain alive,  desperately and very badly ." - Altas Shrugged, By Ayn Rand, pg 147

Self-Pride Vs. Black Pride, White Pride, Brown Pride . . .

- Peggy and Leonard Robinson photo courtesy of Jennifer Grossman How Ayn Rand Inspired This Black couple to Triumph over adversity Jennifer Grossman, CEO, The Atlas Society 2/23/2018 "There are dozens of Black History Month "reading lists" which include many books you might expect, ranging from biographies of civil rights leaders to novels by Toni Morison and poetry by Maya Angelou. A book you would never expect to appear on any of these lists is " The Virtue of Selfishness " by Ayn Rand. And yet that's the book that helped shape how Peggy (85) and Leonard Robinson (88) would think about their identity - as teachers, parents, citizens and above all, individuals, who also happen to be African-American. The Robinson's cited " The Virtue of Selfishness " as the work by Rand which influenced them most . On the surface it seems an odd choice for a couple who were motivated to pursue graduate studies at Columbia University in New York ...

Friends Aren't FORCED Upon Me, Especially After This Fuck Show! Rather Be DEAD!


"The whole sphere of human endeavors,  with one exception, left him blankly indifferent;  he had no touch of that which people called culture. But he knew railroads." - Atlas Shrugged, By Ayn Rand, pg 77 Railroads are a source of freedom, movement, scenery, life, . . . and cultures are in most cases a source of obedience, repetitiveness, primitiveness, demented decay. Even in America cultural demented decay runs rampant. My view of existence in America is different, from others. Its been a horrifying experience, a mind wrenching daily ordeal of mental evil HELL ! A hell that is as anti-life as it gets, due to those who worship culture, the zombie, the zero, . . . Beyond over being around the culture of SCUM , being followed by SCUM , and the entire fucking SCUM fuck show! I promise you ALL 'I AM' Fucking over this freak fuck show. 

#MYRT2EXIST Those Who Ban To Silence @ Twitter, Is It A Crime?

"Today, 18 USC 2381 still makes it a federal crime for a person owing allegiance to the United States to levy war against the country, or adhere to the country's enemies, giving them aid and comfort in the U.S. or elsewhere." ~ Found at Twitter: A Crime a Day

Enter, Perceive, Respond - Think About Muslim Candidates Value To A Free Society

Yes there should be caution regarding those that come out saying they are Muslim candidates, especially if they support Sharia law and would overrule the constitution with it.  What 's concerning are those candidates, who  hide they are Muslims and want to implement Sharia. They are more dangerous. It's one thing to run for office, it's completely another if your specific intention is implementing a religion and religious law you adhere to. Free societies can exist only on the foundation, of the separation of powers. If not a government will be ready to tell me what to believe, and it ain't going to work for me. After my basic lifetime ordeal with Iranian Shiite Muslims, I've much to express, regarding this issue.  Much to think about, especially if you consciously value your freedom, rights, life, happiness, . . .

#MYRT2EXIST An Address To The Iranian And Palestinian, . . . Women In America, A Crime, Or Acceptable? It MATTERS!

A serious message for Iranian, Palestinian, . . .  women in America. Be scared what an Iranian sandnigger muslim did to my life. Because it is either a crime, or it is absolutely acceptable for American men to do this to every Iranian, Palestinian, . . . woman in America. I MEAN This! Not mincing my words here. They're clear, straight ass forward as it fucking gets. Understand? Which is it? A crime or acceptable? It MATTERS !


"I shan't waste time proving to you why you'd better take my ultimatum seriously." - Atlas Shrugged, By Ayn Rand, pg 81-82

Do You REALLY Believe Your Shit Matters Fatemi? Good Luck!

"Francisco answered courteously, " It is not advisable , James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." "Good God, Dagny! Do you expect me to be afraid of an object like James?" ~ Atlas Shrugged, By Ayn Rand, pg 99

Is There Any Connection To The Pipe Bombings Today, To This Past Event?

- Image: Marine barracks in Beirut, Oct. 23, 1983: Wikimedia commons  "Anniversary of the Iran-Sponsored Murder of 241 Americans in Lebanon" By, Craig Biddle October 24, 2018 ""In 2003, a U.S. federal court found the "the terrorist group Hezbollah carried out the attack at the direction of the Iranian government." In 2004, as if to add an exclamation point to that finding, Iran erected a monument to commemorate the suicide bombing and its martyrs: Amid chants of ' Death to America ,' the stone monument, which is located at ... Monuments may not be arguments, but they sometimes speak volumes . With apologies to Golda Meir : when a sufficient number of Americans love themselves and their children more than they hate being called names." ~ Read entire article by, Craig Biddle @ The Objectivist Standard

#MYRT2EXIST An Affiliation Only For Individuals Who Live Like A Man

#MYRT2EXIST  Join me But ONLY, I said ONLY and I MEAN ONLY   As an individual who does not exist for others. Don't try to fool my ass, because you won't want what comes your way, if you even TRY! You must understand that there are disciplined principles, not fakery that apply to accomplishing this specific type of life as a man. I hate FAKES and I am the best fake detector on earth. Try and fake me, and watch what the fuck I do to you! This bitch is over scum fuck shit like Alireza Fatemi and gang. Creepy fucking fake following parasitical leeches that only exist through and for others in a destructive manner. Do NOT join me if you are a freak fuck following, repeat parrot, robot, zombie, parasitical, leech! Join another entity!  This address is to those with some form of integrity left within your mind. I do not want to be popular at the hands of a gang of followers who don't respect, value, worship, . . . their own lives . That does not mean you ...

Is There A Connection With This Picture And The Pipe Bombs?

- First lady Michelle Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pose with Samar Badawi in Washington in 2012 (Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images) Alireza Fatemi do you know Jewel Samad? Hillary Clinton, Michelle and Barack Obama, I think you have been targeted by the same terrorists that I have been screaming about for a long time. Don't let them fool you, that Republicans, or President Trump were involved with this.  These actions were probably done by individuals within the Democratic party . Jewel Samad, Meghan Markle, Amal Clooney, CAIR, . . . among others should be of interest.  Look how nice you were to this shit, and look what they do to you? No matter how nice, generous, welcoming, gracious, loving, kind, . . . doesn't matter with this shit. They hate you , no matter what. The same individuals that had something to do with the Jamal Khashoggi situation are probably involved here, also. Not talking about MBS, but the real perpetrators, who like to set up othe...

Enter, Perceive, Repsond

" You let them infect you with the worship of need - and this country became a giant in body with a mooching midget in place of its soul, while its living soul was driven underground to labor and feed you in silence, unnamed, unhonored, negated, its soul and hero: the industrialist . Do you hear me now, Hank Rearden, the greatest of the victims I have avenged?" - Atlas Shrugged quote, By Ayn Rand pg 1061 An address to Americans, those that have, are, or want to immigrate and world citizens. Below is a quote for each of you to think about? "Do not say that you're afraid to trust your mind because you know so little." - Atlas Shurgged, By Ayn Rand, pg 1058 What is the difference between America and any other country in the world? Is America a country with values that are inline, or opposition with yours as an immigrant or someone who wants to immigrate? It matters.  If they are inline with your values, would it be possible to take those val...
"Just because something is true doesn't mean that it is important.  Sure relative to something false, it has greater importance.  But using a reasonable standard of value ,  other truths may be substantially more important." - Found @: Selfish Citizenship

ONLY #MYRT2EXIST, Nothing Else!

"I VICIOUSLY Assert My Right To Exist !" - Lynn Merri "Accept the fact that the achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness - not pain or mindless self-indulgence - is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values .  Happiness was the responsibility you dreaded , it required the kind of rational discipline you did not value yourself enough to assume - and the anxious staleness of your days is the monument to your evasion of the knowledge that there is no moral substitute for happiness,  that there is no more despicable coward  than the man who deserted the battle for his joy, fearing to assert his right to existence , lacking the courage and the loyalty to life of a bird or flower reaching for the sun.  Discard your protective rags of that vice which you called a virtue: humility - learn to value yourself, which m...

Conscious Parenting Must Matter Everywhere - Or Don't Have Kids!!!

To The Iranian Muslim Abuser 'Dodge my Hands or Bullets, Not My Lawsuits'!

- Picture found @: The Atlas Society Not #MeToo, but #MeFirst Jennifer Anju Grossman November 03, 2017 "What would you rather be remembered for: " Read my lips" or "Dodge my hands "? . . . . ~ Read the entire article @: The Atlas Society

Important Differences That Matter To Free Minds, Lives, and Societies

- The Atlas Society " You did not care to compete in terms of intelligence - you are now competing in terms of brutality. You did not care to allow rewards to be won by successful production - you are now running a race in which rewards are won by successful plunder. You called it selfish and cruel that men should trade value for value - you have now established an unselfish society where they trade extortion for extortion. Your system is a legal civil war, where men gang up on one another and struggle for possession of the law, which they use as a club over rivals, till another gang wrests it from their clutch and clubs them with it in their turn, all of them clamoring protestations of service to an unnamed public's unspecified good. You had said that you saw no difference between economic and political power, between the power of money and the power of guns - no difference between reward and punishment, no difference between purchase and plunder, no difference be...

Who IS John Galt? The Man Who Did NOT Exist For Others - Watch Fucks!

"America Loses and Lost, When It Consistently Destroyed The GOOD! Watch Fucks!" - Lynn Merri Leseth "The last of my words will be addressed to those heroes who might still be hidden in the world, those who are held prisoner, not by their evasions , but by their virtues and their desperate courage. My brothers in spirit, check on your virtues and on the nature of the enemies you're serving. Your destroyers hold you by means of your endurance, your generosity, your innocence, your love - the endurance that carries their burdens - the generosity that responds to their cries of despair - the innocence that is unable to conceive of their evil and gives them the benefit of every doubt, refusing to condemn them without understanding and incapable of understanding such motives as are theirs - the love, your love of life, which makes you believe that they are men and that they love it, too. But the world of today is the world they worship. In the name of your mag...

There Are People That Deserve HELL, Not Me! I Am Beyond OVER STUPID, Lying, Cowards!

Could not, nor would I ever respect anyone. You don't deserve it. I MEAN IT!

Ayn Rand Taught Me Thinking Was Important And How To Think

- Jamal Khashoggi (Illustration by Alex Fine for the Washington Post) I've been thinking about the Jamal Khashoggi story and asking questions. "He also embraced Islam, joining the Muslim Brotherhood and, in the late 1970s, befriending the young Osama bin Laden, whom he tried to turn against violence." ? - Is Osama bin Laden still alive? If so did he have Jamal killed, if so why? ? - Does Alireza Fatemi the man who claimed to be an Iranian and spoke farsi have ties to Osama? ? - Did the Muslim Brotherhood kill Jamal? Was Jamal still a staunch secret member of the Brotherhood? ? - Was Jamal a journalist promoting one thing to the world, but had a 2nd life behind the scenes? "What infuriated him about Mohammed bin Salman, I always suspected, was that the headstrong Saudi leader was wasting the yearning for reform so palpable in the kingdom. Khashoggi praised the positive steps in his Post columns. the crown prince was " right to go after extremists ...

It's Mind Boggling How Many Haters I Got Because Of An Iranian Muslim

"Facebook and Twitters Belligerent Minority DON'T Abuse Me!!!" "He felt certain that every living being wished him well tonight." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged page 32 I know many living being's have not, nor do wish me well . More importantly, I know with certainty a man named Alireza Fatemi and his gang who have been ripping my life to fuck for a long time, now want to claim to be my saviors and heroes! They are NOT, never have been, nor would be!  Alireza Fatemi has been pitting everyone against me for a long time. LOOK  at what Alireza Fatemi has going on right now and the mockery around my life? Observe it ! Perceive all the individuals now in the Iranian sandnigger Islamic fuck show, all over the country and world.  Alireza Fatemi and Meghan Markle claim somehow the Queen of England is my nemesis? Did the Queen of England have the muslim dating or married to Britney Spears, ban me from Twitter ? I doubt it ! The muslim in the gang ...

Don't Plan 1 Fucking Second Of My Life, In Any Fucking Manner, Not 1!

Individualism "Individualism regards man - every man - as an independent, sovereign entity who possesses an inalienable right to his own life, a right derived from his nature as a rational being. Individualism holds that a civilized society, or any form of association, cooperation or peaceful coexistence among men, can be achieved ONLY on the basis of the recognition of individual rights - and that a group, as such, has no rights other than the individual rights of its members. Do not make the mistake of the ignorant who think that an individualist is a man who says: "I'll do as I please at everybody else's expense." An individualist is a man who recognizes the inalienable individual rights of man - his own and those of others . An individualist is a man who says: " I will not run anyone's life - nor let anyone run mine . I will not rule nor be ruled. I will not be a master nor a slave. I will not sacrifice myself to anyone - nor sacrifice anyone ...

Does The Art You Select Portray Man As A Independent, Rational, Heroic, Self-Esteemed, Worthy of Respect, Competent, Self-Reliant Man - Or a Dependent, Helpless, Needy, Idiot?

Ayn Rand : "Held that Art is A  "Recreation of reality according to an artists metaphysical value-judgments." It does not require or tolerate an explanatory preface. It is a self-contained universe Aloof from Commentary, Beckoning the reader, (viewer, listener,...) to Enter, Perceive, Respond ." - Leonard Peikoff, Introduction in Atlas Shrugged

The Greatest Moment Of My Life Will Be DEATH. Why? Because Of What You Evil Fuck Did! That's Why! To Rid Myself Of This Fuck Show!

Most importantly. Go enjoy your life, you deserve to. I mean this with conviction. Would love to show you all in person to your face what I think of you. By putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. That's what I think of you. Not for the hate I have of myself, but the hate for you !

'I AM' As Independent As They Get - And 'I' Know WHY I'd Rather Die!

Especially after what happened I will never be afraid to use the nastiest profanity possible regarding this situation. I have every right to and it is absolutely mandatory. I don't give a fuck what anyone on earth thinks of me. Especially those who fucking destroyed my world, who think they did not.
A Message To The Facebook Belligerent Minority I have been living the greatest life of HELL at the hands of Iranian sandnigger islamic fuck Be scared out of your minds if you know the main man Alireza Fatemi Good luck trying to sue me for bigotry, hatred, racism, ... Maybe I can sue you for every penny you have and put your fucking ass in prison or on the streets like the muslim did to me. Be scared , I mean it! If what this muslim did is not a crime, us Americans are entitled to fuck you up. What is it, a crime or not fucks ?

We Shall Find Out How Russian Roulette Works Out Won't We?

What Do You Think Would Make My Anger Go AWAY? Love, Money, Justice, ... At This Point NOTHING! That IS The Anger I Have - That's IT!

I AM Proud Of Myself, Shocked At My Ordeal Happening In America

Be Concerned How Mentally OVER This Shit Show I AM - You Can Chose To Be Stupid Or NOT - We Shall All Find Out The RESULTS

My Emotions Stem From The Facts Of Reality, In An EVIL Situation, I Mean EVERY Word I Write

Emotions " Emotions - which are lightning-like estimates of the things around you , calculated according to your values. An emotion is an automatic response, an automatic effect of man's value premises. An effect, not a cause . There is no necessary clash, no dichotomy between man's  reason and his emotions - provided he observes their proper relationship. A rational man knows - or makes it a point to discover - the source of his emotions, the basic premises from which they come; if his premises are wrong, he corrects them. He never acts on emotions for which he cannot account, the meaning of which he does not understand. In appraising a situation, he knows why he reacts as he does and whether he is right . He has no inner conflicts, his mind and his emotions are not his enemies, they are his means of enjoying life. But they are not his guide; the guide is his mind. This relationship cannot be reversed, however. If a man takes his emotions as the cause and his mi...