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Ayn Rand Taught Me Thinking Was Important And How To Think

I've been thinking about the Jamal Khashoggi story and asking questions.

"He also embraced Islam, joining the Muslim Brotherhood and, in the late 1970s, befriending the young Osama bin Laden, whom he tried to turn against violence."

? - Is Osama bin Laden still alive? If so did he have Jamal killed, if so why?
? - Does Alireza Fatemi the man who claimed to be an Iranian and spoke farsi have ties to Osama?
? - Did the Muslim Brotherhood kill Jamal? Was Jamal still a staunch secret member of the Brotherhood?
? - Was Jamal a journalist promoting one thing to the world, but had a 2nd life behind the scenes?

"What infuriated him about Mohammed bin Salman, I always suspected, was that the headstrong Saudi leader was wasting the yearning for reform so palpable in the kingdom. Khashoggi praised the positive steps in his Post columns. the crown prince was "right to go after extremists" in the religious leadership; allowing movie theaters in the kingdom was a "huge step toward normalization"; letting women drive deserved considerable credit."

? - Was it that Jamal praised MBS for going after extremist, an extremist killed him?
? - Was it that Jamal praised MBS for the progress forward for normalization, that the extremists would disagree with, because it was against the tenants of Islam?

"But Mohammed bin Salman's reckless arrests and foreign adventures undermined these advances. Khashoggi wrote indignantly that the crown prince didn't just lock up corrupt princes; he went after thoughtful intellectuals. He let women drive yet jailed the activists who had urged the reforms."

? - Did MBS jail the women driving activists, or was it those in opposition to reform?
? - Not sure what he meant by foreign adventures undermining advances? Seems like they would be of benefit to them?
? - Did Jamal have better ties with MBSs relatives who envy MBS?

"Khashoggi understood that he could keep his mouth shut and stay safe, because he had so many friends in the Royal family. But it simply wasn't in him."

? - Was it that his friends in the Royal family, were jealous of MBS? They want the power?

"His simple four-word explanation: "We Saudis deserve better."

? - As a journalist who should have immense knowledge about your country, it's history and events. How could you blame MBS for all it's problems?
? - What about the terrorists, the tribes, the strict Islamic clerics, the Shiite's,...???

"The explanation for the storm around Khashoggi is simple. First, he worked for the Washington Post. Second, the strong suspicion that he has been murdered at the orders of the Saudi government is highly embarrassing to the administration of Donald Trump -if not to the President himself, who is of course incapable of being embarrassed - because resuscitating the relationship between Washington and Riyadh has been central to its strategy in the Middle East."

? - This journalist has problems with Trump. He is putting his own emotions in here.
? - Is this journalist an Iranian Muslim? A friend of one?
? - The Washington Post, we could only imagine who works there that knows Alireza Fatemi
? - Perfect time to drum up bullshit before a midterm election.

"The government currently pointing the accusing finger at Saudi Arabia is none other than Turkey's. right now, 68 journalists are serving jail sentences in Turkey, with a further 169 awaiting trial."

? - We could only imagine the Turkey president wanting to set others up here.
? - Wonder how many journalist are in jail in Saudi, or awaiting trial compared to Turkey?
? - Fairly certain the Iranian destroying my life has ties to Turkey, remember Can Benli if that was his real name?

"Will this strategy make the Arab autocrats nicer people? Did the Iran deal make the ayatollahs any sweeter?"

? - Does being nice to evil make them sweeter, ever? NO!
? - Are you able to distinguish the degrees of good vs. bad vs. evil?

The above quotes found in two articles:
Among so many killings of journalists, why does the fate of Jamal Khashoggi stand out?
Jamal Khashoggi: What the Arab world needs most in free expression

Whether Jamal Khashoggi is dead, or maybe still alive there is much to think about here. I can honestly say, I don't know much about this man, but just brief things people write, make you think?

Most importantly my personal situation dealing with Iranian Shiite Muslims, that are very savvy, cunning and deceptive I know all about taqiyya. Taqiyya is an Islamic term mainly used by Shiite Muslims to deceive the infidel (non-Muslim), or enemy until they get the upper hand.

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