Dear Benjamin Netanyahu,
I have relinquished my American citizenship due to the inaction of Americans to take a problem seriously. I am not Jewish, nor religious in any sense, but I am OVER being terrorized by Iranian and Palestinian Muslims who have been viciously destroying my entire life. I am barely alive and my last actions I would like to accomplish are violent ones, which would be directed at your enemies also. If there is an American who understands your plight over there in the Middle East, it is I, who have felt the wrath of Iranian and Palestinian Muslims my entire life, in America.
I am so over the country called fucking America and Americans. It is sad that I say that, but I AM! I am also over the country called fucking England. But the real problem lies with the countries Iran, Palestine and some others. It is the inaction by America and England that I want to rid myself from. I heard that all Israeli citizens are required to join the military. I want to put a uniform on and operate guns, bombs and explosives and do radical damage to those who have done damage to me. Not sit around in crazy freak fuck negligent stupid ass shows, doing fucking nothing but listening to scum and being around it.
Do you know anything about Meghan Markle? You should?! She is an Islamic terrorist trying to take down the Queen of England. Everyday Meghan Markle's gang of shit fucks follow me around, so over this cunt. But I am just as over the Queen of England and her family for participating in this fuck show. Along with so many others. We could only imagine what these evil fucks have planned for Halloween, seems like they have been planning that day for sometime.
Torture is what they are doing to my mind. I am over it. Rather take physical actions and risk injury and death, than sit in wicked ass hell twiddling my thumbs, watching people enjoy life, while hearing about the radical evil being done, by the gang of evil, who I have been screaming about for a long time. I am so angry, violently ill, physically ill, mentally drained, my mouth is a nightmare, my entire world has only been going backwards basically my entire life.
I really do want to exist from America, had enough long ago. I think my only purpose would be to put a military uniform on and finish business and mine also. Really had enough of the world. It has been the most radically mind fucking event and I am not sure I am still functioning as a rational being. But I want my justice, and many deserve the taste of my justice. I would even like to take some high rollers out. I mean what I say, and they deserve it!
I have relinquished my American citizenship due to the inaction of Americans to take a problem seriously. I am not Jewish, nor religious in any sense, but I am OVER being terrorized by Iranian and Palestinian Muslims who have been viciously destroying my entire life. I am barely alive and my last actions I would like to accomplish are violent ones, which would be directed at your enemies also. If there is an American who understands your plight over there in the Middle East, it is I, who have felt the wrath of Iranian and Palestinian Muslims my entire life, in America.
I am so over the country called fucking America and Americans. It is sad that I say that, but I AM! I am also over the country called fucking England. But the real problem lies with the countries Iran, Palestine and some others. It is the inaction by America and England that I want to rid myself from. I heard that all Israeli citizens are required to join the military. I want to put a uniform on and operate guns, bombs and explosives and do radical damage to those who have done damage to me. Not sit around in crazy freak fuck negligent stupid ass shows, doing fucking nothing but listening to scum and being around it.
Do you know anything about Meghan Markle? You should?! She is an Islamic terrorist trying to take down the Queen of England. Everyday Meghan Markle's gang of shit fucks follow me around, so over this cunt. But I am just as over the Queen of England and her family for participating in this fuck show. Along with so many others. We could only imagine what these evil fucks have planned for Halloween, seems like they have been planning that day for sometime.
Torture is what they are doing to my mind. I am over it. Rather take physical actions and risk injury and death, than sit in wicked ass hell twiddling my thumbs, watching people enjoy life, while hearing about the radical evil being done, by the gang of evil, who I have been screaming about for a long time. I am so angry, violently ill, physically ill, mentally drained, my mouth is a nightmare, my entire world has only been going backwards basically my entire life.
I really do want to exist from America, had enough long ago. I think my only purpose would be to put a military uniform on and finish business and mine also. Really had enough of the world. It has been the most radically mind fucking event and I am not sure I am still functioning as a rational being. But I want my justice, and many deserve the taste of my justice. I would even like to take some high rollers out. I mean what I say, and they deserve it!