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Enter, Perceive, Respond - The Question Is, What Is The Public Good, If Not This?

""Isn't it generally agreed that an owner is a parasite and an exploiter, that it is the employees who do all the work and make the product possible? I did not exploit anyone. I did not burden the San Sebastian Mines with my useless presence; I left them in the hands of the men who count. I did not pass judgment on the value of that property. I turned it over to a mining specialist. He was not a very good specialist, but he needed the job very badly. Isn't it generally conceded that when you hire a man for a job, it is his need that counts, not his ability? Doesn't everyone believe that in order to get the goods, all you have to do is need them? I have carried out every moral precept of our age. I expected gratitude and a citation of honor. I do not understand why I am being damned.""

""This is outrageous!" Taggart's voice started to rise. "It's perfectly outrageous to treat your public responsibilities with such thoughtless levity!" He turned to hurry away."

- Atlas Shrugged, By Ayn Rand, pg 143

The first paragraph is a statement by Francisco D'Anconia, to James Taggart who has been a staunch advocate for the public good. Francisco owns copper mines, and has a different philosophy than James Taggart who owns railroads.

James Taggart is a man who believes in the public good, but not this kind of public good. The question is, what is the public good then? 

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