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Why My HATE Grows EVERYDAY America and Americans

"I don't do business that way and I don't deal with cowards."

It is amazing individuals who think they are capable of being leaders, want to be a leader, . . . I have never been out here to be a leader and the position I have been put in, is the worst position for an active individual, in the evilest show on earth. Trust me if you think I am in your plan, I promise you I am NOT! I don't associate with those who do not communicate with me. How in the hell do I know what the fuck you are doing, if you are even capable of handling the task, competent to use your fucking brain, very unlikely, . . .

I hate America and Americans for their utter inaction, regarding an evil fuck show they claim is serious. But while they clamor about such seriousness, they enjoy life, not regarding the seriousness of the situation, they keep demanding is bad. While I live in the greatest HELL on earth, I watch them enjoy their life, and listen to the EVIL they fucking allow every fucking day. That Is WHY I HATE America and Americans. You are fucking pathetic!

I have been saying for so long how everything I touch, read, follow, . . . the gang of evil is watching me. Anything I do if I have read your book, article, video, whatever, . . . you have now been a target for the shit fuck gang of evil. A gang this country does not take seriously, nor does shit about. Most importantly Americans play games with this shit, and you are definitely the stupidest fuck on earth, to play games with these scum fuck creatures in any fucking manner.

Maybe the Prime Minister of Israel will provide me with citizenship and the ability to join his military, so I can finish my final action in life. To take the lives of many scum fuck Iranian and Palestinian Muslims who destroyed my fucking life! That would be the greatest achievement I could accomplish after this evil fucking show on my life and mind. People I did nothing to!

But it is worse. Those that initiated the force against me have been told I am in a relationship with them. When I declare my Hate for America and Americans they think, it means I am on their team, which it does not. I hate America for not doing anything, making this shit think I like them, that is what makes me go berserk. They drive by acting like they have done something for me, by killing good people. I would have no problem knowing the gang of evil were dead, but I have a great problem knowing more good people are dead.

"This is not the world I expected."

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