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Enter, Perceive, Repsond

"You let them infect you with the worship of need - and this country became a giant in body with a mooching midget in place of its soul, while its living soul was driven underground to labor and feed you in silence, unnamed, unhonored, negated, its soul and hero: the industrialist. Do you hear me now, Hank Rearden, the greatest of the victims I have avenged?"

- Atlas Shrugged quote, By Ayn Rand pg 1061

An address to Americans, those that have, are, or want to immigrate and world citizens. Below is a quote for each of you to think about?

"Do not say that you're afraid to trust your mind because you know so little."
- Atlas Shurgged, By Ayn Rand, pg 1058

What is the difference between America and any other country in the world? Is America a country with values that are inline, or opposition with yours as an immigrant or someone who wants to immigrate? It matters. 

If they are inline with your values, would it be possible to take those values and do our best to emulate those values, in the country you came from, for a better life for you and all citizens that reside there? Does that make sense, sound practical, seem relevant, . . .?

Many immigrants leave family members behind, in order to come to America. With the passion you have, the courage, the abilities, . . . to me it seems more important, wiser, to create and develop a society like America, in the country you came from, if that is what you came for

You would not have to leave cherished family members behind, maybe never to see again, or very little. You would not have to assimilate into a society that is foreign to you, scares you, is different than what you are used to, like, relish,. . . 

But you would be able to hold in your minds, what was possible in America, can also happen in the country you came from. It can be done, if you so chose and understand that it is possible.

If what you come to America for are, the values the country was founded upon, learning how to implement those values to bring back home, you have been fighting a losing battle for your rights back home, educating yourself about a free society, its values and principles, . . .  it matters.

It matters for you, America, Americans and the country you came from!

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