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Important Differences That Matter To Free Minds, Lives, and Societies

"You did not care to compete in terms of intelligence - you are now competing in terms of brutality. You did not care to allow rewards to be won by successful production - you are now running a race in which rewards are won by successful plunder. You called it selfish and cruel that men should trade value for value - you have now established an unselfish society where they trade extortion for extortion. Your system is a legal civil war, where men gang up on one another and struggle for possession of the law, which they use as a club over rivals, till another gang wrests it from their clutch and clubs them with it in their turn, all of them clamoring protestations of service to an unnamed public's unspecified good. You had said that you saw no difference between economic and political power, between the power of money and the power of guns - no difference between reward and punishment, no difference between purchase and plunder, no difference between pleasure and fear, no difference between life and death. You are learning the difference now."

- Atlas Shrugged, By Ayn Rand, pg 1065-1066


"Competition is a by-product of productive work, not its goal. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.

A competition presupposes some basic principles held in common by all competitiors, such as the rules of the game in athletics, or the function of the free market in business. . . ."

- Above found at Ayn Rand lexicon - Competition

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