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Is There A Connection With This Picture And The Pipe Bombs?

Alireza Fatemi do you know Jewel Samad? Hillary Clinton, Michelle and Barack Obama, I think you have been targeted by the same terrorists that I have been screaming about for a long time. Don't let them fool you, that Republicans, or President Trump were involved with this. These actions were probably done by individuals within the Democratic party. Jewel Samad, Meghan Markle, Amal Clooney, CAIR, . . . among others should be of interest. 

Look how nice you were to this shit, and look what they do to you? No matter how nice, generous, welcoming, gracious, loving, kind, . . . doesn't matter with this shit. They hate you, no matter what. The same individuals that had something to do with the Jamal Khashoggi situation are probably involved here, also. Not talking about MBS, but the real perpetrators, who like to set up others for their evil. Specifically Shiite Iranian, Palestinian Muslims, . . . the like. 

Ladies stop being stupid when it comes to evil that hates you. A is A, a thing is what it is. Not only stop being stupid, stop evading, denying, lying to yourself, feeling sorry and guilty for shit you should NEVER feel sorry and guilty for, thinking you can change them, . . .  ignorance does nothing for rights. Hillary and Michelle both of you are very educated women, remember? 

Don't pretend, don't be fools, for the sake of women like myself. Not only does it do a disservice to American women, but also women all over the world that really are fighting for change and rights. But trust me, after what I have been through many women like men lie about what they are really doing, so it puts a damper on those who do and are fighting for REAL Rights!

And last a message to the shit fuck savvy men and women acting like you want freedom, and you don't. Some of us, like myself have lived in your chains of HELL for a long time, we know you KIND! Trust me I hate you for what you did to my life, when I did nothing to you fucks. But I promise you, now I will. And maybe when women like Hillary and Michelle understand who you are, they will join the #MYRT2EXIST movement that won't except scum fuck fools.

One last thing. The good in the FBI or whatever department might handle this. Should look into this guy name David that came out of Starbucks this morning, on my way in. David has been stalking me for about 4 years and claimed to be an engineer. This morning his ball cap had a background of the green military fatigue and an American flag in the middle. The dude hates America!

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