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It's Mind Boggling How Many Haters I Got Because Of An Iranian Muslim

"Facebook and Twitters
Belligerent Minority
DON'T Abuse Me!!!"

"He felt certain that every living being wished him well tonight."
- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged page 32

I know many living being's have not, nor do wish me well. More importantly, I know with certainty a man named Alireza Fatemi and his gang who have been ripping my life to fuck for a long time, now want to claim to be my saviors and heroes! They are NOT, never have been, nor would be! 

Alireza Fatemi has been pitting everyone against me for a long time. LOOK at what Alireza Fatemi has going on right now and the mockery around my life? Observe it! Perceive all the individuals now in the Iranian sandnigger Islamic fuck show, all over the country and world. 

Alireza Fatemi and Meghan Markle claim somehow the Queen of England is my nemesis? Did the Queen of England have the muslim dating or married to Britney Spears, ban me from Twitter? I doubt it! The muslim in the gang of evil banned my ass, with his shit fuck scum at twitter, the belligerent minority!

I honestly don't want to harm, or do injustice to the wrong companies, or individuals. I am not playing games with any fuck on earth. More importantly I want the right companies and individuals to pay for what they did to my life. And Alireza Fatemi does not tell me who they are

Let me say this to Fatemi, Markle and gang. I will destroy your lives and put you on the streets like you did me. Then tell you I solve your problems and you listen to me. And in the end, I did not fuck you up, someone else did! Get me fucks. This ain't a game fucks. 

I genuinely, graciously, with peace and love did welcome people from all over the world into America long ago. I had that blindness, that no one was bad, evil, wicked, ... but that was not truth. I learned through a vicious experience 'The Truth.' My welcoming is of a different nature now. I am Selfish Citizen!

I still hold a flicker of what Ayn Rand called the benevolent universe premise. And just like myself I know there are good individuals that reside in ALL countries. Who like myself have to fight and stand up for their lives, freedom, rights,... while dealing with the evil, thugs, terrorists,... I know that!

It is not mental illness that Alireza Fatemi, Meghan Markle and gang have regarding they don't KNOW they have been fucking up my life. It is ONLY THEY ARE pure cold blooded, evil, scum fuck creatures. Always have been, always would be. "A is A, a thing is itself. - Ayn Rand" It's that simple, straight forward.

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