- Two nasty evil two-faced Islamic cunts Meghan Markle and Jessica Mulroney You shall find out this weekend the answer. So shall the world. Little punk fuck terrorist bitches, I'm an American woman, not a stupid women rights advocate full of shit. I stand for real rights, and I don't let cunts like you run me around fucks. Meghan I'm over you and your clan of scum stalking me cunt . Meghan I have been on the streets basically since 2000 cause of the scum fuck you know named Alireza Fatemi. If you seriously think I am going to sit here and have your filth follow me around with out me getting nasty to them, you are ignorant sandnigger. You Islamic shit fuck. You should put your hijab or burqa on bitch. Two faced cunt. Look at the way you two are dressed while you run around destroying good people, good countries, behind their backs as Muslim fuck. If Muslims cannot understand why I got such hate for this, not sure what to tell you. But this is acceptable behavior f...
The meaning of the term "duty" is: the moral necessity to perform certain actions for no reason other than obedience to some higher authority, without regard to any personal goal, motive, desire or interest. Who in hell can have the right to claim that sort of submission or obedience? ~ Ayn Rand