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An Address: I Got NO Game!

"If you have always believed that everyone
should play by the same rules and
be judged by the same standards,
that would have gotten you labeled
a radical 50 years ago,
a liberal 25 years ago, 
and a racist today."

The diversity clan defines me as a racist because I want justice for what a violently abusive Iranian Muslim, the wife he lied about and his gang have done to my life. Since I am an American and I want justice for what Muslims did to my life, they define me as a racist. 

What does this say? It says since I am an American, Muslims are entitled to commit crimes against my life and I cannot seek justicebecause it is racist to seek justice against Muslims for any reason. Even when they commit heinous, vicious, malice, wicked, evil crimes against an American. 

I have been living on the streets in the state and country I was born in for at least 15 years, due to the criminal actions by Iranian Muslims and others. I still don't have a lawyer, while they stalk me everyday. Since I have not been able to get a lawyer, I have become outraged and call these individuals vulgar names. 

So it is not a crime when Muslims stalk, hack your computer 24/7, threaten you with the wives they lie about to destroy your life, threaten your father, invade your privacy and life 24/7, and I am a racist American for wanting my justice and calling these creatures nasty filthy names? Can you fucking imagine?

If I would have done to these Muslims what they have been doing to my life, I would have been in prison long ago. While they clamor about profiling, travel bans, discrimination, racism, against them and demanding we allow illegal immigration without question, they are good and I am bad? What the fuck?

I find it amazing after watching the spectacle with the diversity movement and demanding entitlements with violent protests all over America, that they have the balls after the life of hell I have endured living on the streets to first off think I don't deserve justice, secondly that I don't have a blatant right to use the nastiest most foul language towards these evil people. Thirdly claim me a racist!

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