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Liberal Women, When Did It Become Acceptable To Lie About Not Being Married? Threaten The Woman You Lied To With The Wife, And Viciously Destroy Her Life?

"The enemy you seek to defeat is the law of casualty:
it permits you no miracles."


"The law of causality is the law of identity applied to action. All actions are caused by entities. The nature of an action is caused and determined by the nature of the entities that act; a thing cannot act in contradiction to its nature . . . . The law of identity does not permit you to have your cake and eat it, too. The law of causality does not permit you to eat your cake before you have. it.

To grasp the axiom that existence exists, means to grasp the fact that nature, i.e., the universe as a whole, cannot be created or annihilated, that it cannot come into and go out of existence. Whether its basic constituent elements are atoms, or subatomic particles, or some yet undiscovered forms of energy, it is not ruled by a consciousness or by will or by chance, but by the law of identity. All the countless forms, motions, combinations and dissolutions of elements within the universe -from a floating speck of dust to the formation of a galaxy to the emergence of life - are caused and determined by the identities of the elements involved.

Since things are what they are, since everything that exists possesses a specific identity, nothing in reality can occur causelessly or by chance."

~ Above found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Causality

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