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While They Savagely Destroy You, Tell You How To Behave Not to Hate!

I told an Iranian Muslim Who LIED about
NOT being Married
To get OUT of my life in 2005
I meant it!

Been seeking justice for what an Iranian Muslim, the wife he lied about and his gang have been doing to my life, since 2005. I'll never give a fuck what anyone thinks of my vulgar rhetoric. I get off the trolley at what used to be a 5 Star Hotel the Ritz Carlton, when I worked there in the 80's. I was one of the first valet women and the first door woman. 

Now I carry my few belongings I own in my backpack and my red sleeping bag, to the library. The challenge has been monumental, for the exclusive purpose I started out with. JUSTICE for what an Iranian Muslim, the wife he lied about and all others involved in this savage destruction of my life, family, world. 

It was obvious early on, after meeting Alireza Fatemi he was a controlling manipulator. The second time I went to his beach front apartment, when he blatantly lied to me about not being married, called me after I left his beach front apartment that night, to come back. It was very evident what his purpose was and he would not stop begging me to come bag. 

Two months of Alireza Fatemis fuck show, I realized I did not want to see this man, nor have anything to do with him and I told him so. But he kept calling, persisting, manipulating and would not stop. We went out a couple times in public, once for a walk in the dark on the beach and another for breakfast.

It was in May of 2005 that I left a blazing wicked message on Alireza Fatemi's voice mail to STOP contacting me. He did not respond until June 2005 and did so with this message, "you are a loser and will always be a loser, my wife and I are coming after you and lets see who can fuck with who."

- When are you showing up sandnigger, to tell me what to do

Alireza Fatemi did not start destroying my life in 2004, he has been destroying my life behind my back since 1979. Twenty five years fucking me up, ruining my world, destroying my family behind my back before 2004 with his gang of evil. If you got the balls to get in my face and tell me how to behave and I don't have the entitlement of hate, your stupid. 

Vast variables have made this situation, as worse as it gets. Most individuals think the mind is not of value or importance. They think they can consistently wreck havoc on a mind, and a person's mind should operate normally and rationally. Dumb! It is beyond disturbing that people really believe I dig them, and they run my fuck. Who are you? When you showing up to inform me what to do with my life fucks? You're sick, demented and EVIL as Alireza Fatemi!

- If you seriously think you run my fuck in any manner, watch!

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