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Why Did Atlas Shrug? Why Was John Galt A Hero?

Did John Galt go to the valley, to save the world and become a hero? No! Did John Galt go to the valley to save America, Americans, the world . . . .? No! There was  one reason John Galt 'Shrugged' and went to the valley. He was at war with the parasitical leeches of the world. Ayn Rand did not create the character John Galt as a hero who saved the world. That is ludicrous thinking.

Ayn Rand's hero's did not save the world!

My movie is NOT about resiliency. I hate that word 'resiliency' as much as I hate the word 'hope'! Self-interested, self-confident, self-reliant, selfish, productive, . . . individuals hate words that reflect, dependent, enablers, second-handers, leeches, parasites, controllers, manipulators, co-dependency,  . . . Hate'em!

I have ONLY been out here for my justice, Understand!

This is an address to every individual involved in the fuck show and all in the world. This is my life fucks, not yours. You don't run my movie fucks. You don't run my life fucks. You don't run my mind fucks. You don't control my choices fucks. You don't tell me why I live fucks. Ayn Rand would never write literature that would portray the good as bad and the bad as good. Fucking ever fucks!

This is the most parasitical movie that could ever be made!

The sandnigger Iranian Muslim I told to get out of my life in 2005, blatantly lied to me about not being married, threatened me with the wife, took the actions that destroyed my life with that wife, is now off drugs, stopped drinking and is going to save the world and come tell me he owns me and we are going to run for the Presidency in America? Parasitical movies don't get more parasitical!

NOT, nor have I ever been out here seeking love, don't want it!

Trust me I am at war with those that want to continue to portray me as the lazy, lying, loser, helpless, person that needs to be rescued by the second-handed, parasitical leeches of the world, that worship and portray the evil as greatness and worthy of running countries. I told an Iranian sandnigger to get out of my life in 2005, it's 2018 show up sandnigger I'll kill your fuck

I have a right to use words many think are vulgar. This movie needs vulgarity in it, because the majority of individuals walk around earth in some delusional world, so far from reality, that an angry voice full of nasty rhetoric, is needed to shake their fuck out of lala-land. I have no place to hide like John Galt, everyday I am swarmed by the most anti-life imaginable. 

My movie has never been, nor would it ever be about saving the world. My movie has ONLY been about saving my life. I will never convince anyone that I do run my life, but I promise all 'I Am' the only individual on earth, that runs my fuck. I don't want to, nor have I ever been out here to be a leader. You can be a leader, I don't want to be a leader.

You shall never understand who 'I AM' until you show up to my face!

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