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I Hold Cardboard Signs For Personal Justice, Not To Make Sense For You

"When Did U.S.A. Women Become Property Of Iranian Muslims"

Some women in her late 20's early 30's stopped her car and said the above did not make sense. She looked probably of Iranian decent. Trust me I am not, nor have I ever been out here to make sense for anyone, especially those who make twisted crazy shows. 

But this is important. It does not make sense for the majority, for the mere fact they have not walked in my shoes. But trust me, if you know what is going on and it does not make sense, I will make it make sense and do the same to your fuck, understand. I will rip you to evil hell, get me?

"I am not, nor have I ever been out here to make sense for you!"

First off if you think rational individuals, can make sense for the irrational your stupid, wasting your mental energy, wasting your precious time, . . . . When rational individuals are dealing with the evil irrational the most important thing is to use your mind, don't play games, be serious, . . . KNOW it's EVIL!

Projecting evil is not evil, in twisted ways is not smart!

I told a fucking Iranian sandnigger Muslim to get the fuck out of my life in 2005, if you think I did not mean it, you are ignorant! I don't give a fuck about the Iranian, I hate his fuck. Trust me Iranians made me, a bigot, a hater, a racist, . . . In their twisted fuck shows trying to blame the Queen of England. 

The Queen of England, her family can allow it, I told you to get the fuck out!

Below 'The Price of Honor' details 'Honor Violence and Honor Killings'

- Above pictures of women killed for honor found @: Newsweek

""Honor Killing" is the practice where someone is killed by a family member in order to defend the family honor. Most "honor killings" are directed against women and girls, but in a few instances they have been extended to men. The apparent "shame" is normally the result of one of the following behaviors or the suspicion of such behaviors: dressing in a manner unacceptable to the family, wanting to terminate or prevent an arranged marriage, desiring to marry by own choice, having a friend of a different culture or social group, having a profile on social media, engaging in a homosexual relationship, wanting a divorce, being raped, abducted or arrested, or not playing by the rules of the household. In most cases, before a murder there is a permanent bullying against the victim that may include battery, torture, mutilation, rape, or imprisonment within the home. Some victims are driven to suicide from the pressure of their families.

- Iranian acid attack victim Ameneh Bahrami

These crimes are often collective and premeditated, yet few of the perpetrators are convicted or punished. "Honor Killings" are not only a local problem in the Middle East but also extend to many other countries.

The film's additional mission is to bring awareness to the global issue of honor violence and raise the bar, . . . "

~ Above two paragraphs found @: The Price of Honor

The movie 'The Price of Honor' and the lives of those affected by the Islamic concept of 'Honor' is relevant to my story. Trust me I am not into the concept of Islamic 'Honor' in any fashion. I am a vicious opponent of this shit, after what Iranian Muslims did to my life, including Iranian women! 

It is one thing for Muslim men to fuck you up, it is another for Muslim women to participate also, in destroying an American woman's life. 

The root issue with 'honor violence' is the law of Islam, Sharia. Not the U.S. social system, nor U.S. law enforcement. That is what needs to be addressed by Islamic women if they so chose to do so, and demand their rights and stop the violence. You can't force people to want their rights.

But trust me I do not adhere to Islamic Sharia law and I do want my fucking justice under the U.S. constitution for the heinous malicious actions of Iranian Muslims on my life and rights. My goal is the most radical lawsuits against the Iranian Muslims and all others involved to set a precedent!

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