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The 'We Don't Care Movement,' Disguised As 'We Care'

"What is called 'universal health care' 
can turn out to be universal 'don't care' medical treatment, 
when Washington bureaucrats
can over-rule what you and your doctor want to do."
~ Thomas Sowell

The dangerous facade of individuals impressing minds with cardboard slogans, 'they care' should raise the hair on your back, stop your steps and contemplate, why? If you're to look out for the blood-curdling frauds in the world, begin with those hammering you over the head, that 'they care!' What they are selling you is, 'they care' until they hook you and it is all over then. Once you've taken the bait, guess what, 'they don't care!' 

Their care is a momentary whim, for the mere purpose of their goal. Elite 'we careists' who are the wicked rulers of the world. Ivory tower intellectuals who sit in their offices planning the demise of civilization, not the caring. I've been living on the streets for over 15 years and you want to try to convince me, this shit CARES! Good fucking luck!

These are the individuals that walk by you, snicker at you, while digging in nasty trash cans to collect recycle and earn your money. More grotesquely they call the cops on you while you do it, because recycling in public trash cans is illegal. The same people that claim they care also hate cops, call the cops on you, while you live on the streets, they hack your computer, stalk you 24/7, . . . . While they go on million man and women marches, declaring 'They Care!'

My storys the perfect example they, 'Don't Care!' It doesn't get more blatant! If you are stupid enough to think these people care about you, all they see in you is an object, not a human being. If you would seriously think about how long I have been on the streets, protesting all by myself, you should think something is wrong. If they don't and did not care about me, do you really think they care about you? No, nope, nada, your an object to be abused and used.

It is not they 'Don't Care' about proper medical treatment, they act like they care about everything and everyone, but 'they don't care about anything,

but power lust

Most people assume, people shall be truthful, kind, nice, honest, . . . . and by moral default set yourselves up, for the sham 'We Care Artists' of the world. The elite Socialists living in their ivory homes, working in their ivory offices, speaking on their ivory campuses while fooling the masses about 'they care!'

Some people are and have been honest with you about the nature of things and you disagree with them, while others have with blatant malice lied to your face claiming 'they care' with vicious intent to reel you into the most awful spectacle of living possible. A Ferris wheel of round and round glaring lies and insanity.

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