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Showing posts from September, 2018

I Don't Sanction EVIL Like Alireza Fatemi and Gang! And They Certainly Don't Tell Me Who Is EVIL!!!

Freedom Is A Radical Idea That Many Want And Others Don't Want - And Some Want Freedom But Don't Want You To Have Your Freedom

"With respect to political life in society, therefore,  there is one basic value that is in the interest of all: Freedom ." - Peter Schwartz " Freedom is in the interest of the public, because, it is in the self-interest of each individual who makes up the public. Individual liberty is the common denominator of everyone's interests. I advocate a philosophy that respects the sovereignty of each individual."   - Peter Schwartz
This banner should fly at our borders. It should be the cry of individuals around the world. Especially any individual, that would like entrance to America. That you're an individual earnest about, the Freedom America was founded upon.

A Salute To Those Who Fight For Man's Freedom, Rights, Life, Honor

"I Am. I Think. I Will." - Ayn Rand pg 94 "I do not surrender my treasures, nor do I share them. The fortune of my spirit is not to be blown into coins of brass and flung to the winds as alms for the poor of spirit. I guard my treasures : My thought, my will, my freedom. And the greatest of these is freedom . pg 95-96 Perhaps, in those days, there were a few among men, a few of clear sight and clean soul, who refused to surrender that word. What agony must have been theirs before that which they saw coming and could not stop! Perhaps they cried out in protest and in warning. But men paid no heed to their warning. And they, these few, fought a hopeless battle, and they perished with their banners smeared by their own blood. And they chose to perish, for they knew. To them, I send my salute across the centuries, and my pity . pg 103 Theirs is the banner in my hand. And I wish I had the power to tell them that the despair of their hearts was not to be final, and ...

An Address To Dianne Feitstein, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Michele Obama, All Other Women and Men

Dear Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Michele Obama, All Other Women and Men, 9/26/2018 Warning : profanity is necessary I AM  the angriest  American, in America and I am a female. I lost absolute respect, for the country I was born in.  Take this letter seriously, because it is an evaluation of the mockery going on in United States politics. I must say with conviction, the worst President I voted for two times, President Obama and his liberal clan of women don't  take serious, true abuse allegations.  ESPECIALLY  when it is directed at Iranian Muslims. Yes, Gloria I used the word Muslim, get use to it and  stop evading Muslims are also abusers .  A certain group of Liberal women portray professional women who come out of the woods 30 years after their abuse,  ONLY at a time when the person they are accusing is seeking a nomination they want to stop, as women that are honest.  Honesty is not always...

A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand

"What was the founding of America really about?" - Yaron Brook

Freedom Is The Right To Use Your Mind And Take Actions, Without The Interference Of Other Men

"Live Free or Die  and So they Fought" - Onkar Ghate Freedom "What is the basic, the essential, the crucial principle that differentiates freedom from slavery? It is the principle of voluntary action versus physical coercion or compulsion. Since knowledge, thinking, and rational action are properties of the individual, since the choice to exercise his rational faculty or not depends on the individual, man's survival requires that those who think be free of the interference of those who don't . Since men are neither omniscient nor infallible, they must be free to agree or disagree, to cooperate or to pursue their own independent course, each according to his own rational judgment. Freedom is the fundamental requirement of man's mind. A rational mind does not work under compulsion; it does not subordinate its grasp of reality to anyone's orders, directives, or controls; it does not sacrifice its knowledge, its view of the truth, to anyone...

Not Only Did You Not Believe My Abuse,....

"If you believe in equal rights, then what do  'women rights,' 'gay rights,' ect., mean? Either they are redundant or they are violations of the principle of equal rights for all." - Thomas Sowell Not only did you not believe my abuse, you laughed, snickered, called me a liar, lazy, loser. More grotesquely, you honestly believe my Iranian Islamic abuser owns me! Sick Shit! One of the most horrendous stories.  But let me say this to the women who are imprisoned in Saudi Arabia, recently arrested. You are in prison for standing up trying to end the driving ban and male guardianship in Saudi Arabia. I am an American woman who has been trying to stop that primitive behavior, from taking hold in America.  And it is disturbing how I was shunned by American Women who claim to be for the 'Rights' of females. Scary as hell! It must be important to the Saudi women if they really want their rights and freedom, that America must care and ...

An Address To A Thinking Man Vs. To The Public

Prestige "The desire for the unearned has two aspects: the unearned in matter and the unearned in spirit. (By "spirit" I mean: man's consciousness.) These two aspects are necessarily interrelated, but a man's desire may be focused predominately on one or the other. The desire for the unearned in spirit is the more destructive of the two and the more corrupt . It is a desire for unearned greatness; it is expressed (but not defined) by the foggy murk of the term "prestige." Unearned greatness is so unreal, so neurotic a concept that the wretch who seeks it cannot identify it even to himself: to identify it, is to make it impossible. He needs the irrational, undefinable slogans of altruism and collectivism to give a semi-plausible form to his nameless urge and anchor it to reality - to support his own self-deception more than to deceive his victims . ~ Above found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Prestige

I Am And Will Always Be Proud Of Myself, I Earned My Self-Esteem!

" Your moral stature is not at the mercy of anyone!" - Onkar Ghate I have been living in crazyville for a long time. And all the lies about something going to be over matter. Because when you lie so many times about something going to be over, someone will never believe you. More importantly that person will not sit idly by hoping you are telling the truth this time, because of all the past lies.  I will take the actions I want to. I have no fear of death, because I Am over the hell. Trust me I am not playing games with anyone. If something happens to me, I made the personal choices to stand up to evil. I was not an American COWARD! Most importantly I knew why I took the actions I did. Because justice matters, and without justice in this situation, it was a death sentence.  I am extremely tired, but I know if I just do nothing and become docile that is another form of death. These people have been following me for a long time, poisoning and destroying everythi...
The Founding Fathers "Why did they risk their lives, fortunes and sacred honor? Because this kind of individual will jealously guard  his/her freedom. The Declaration of Independence was a Declaration of Self-Esteem." - Onkar Ghate

These Foreign Women Like To Stalk Good American Women With Sandnigger Iranian Jihadis

Alireza Fatemi and Meghan Markle know three women in a gold land cruiser 6CAV872 ? Make sure they know I ain't playing games! Think they heard my words fucks. I shall put their license on cardboard tomorrow. No games! Connect the dots to these women and their families, friends, jobs, schools, all associated with them. ALL! Stalking is a crime and I told Alireza Fatemi to get the fuck out of my life in 2005, now your privacy is gone for good cunts. Now American men/women have the absolute right to do the same to you cunts.

California Women With Blue Eyes That Use Their Minds, Should Be On The Endangered Species List

Literature "An artist recreates those aspects of reality which represents his fundamental view of man and of existence. In forming a view of man's nature, a fundamental question one must answer is whether man possesses the faculty of volition - because one's conclusions and evaluations in regard to all the characteristics, requirements and actions of man depend on the answer. Their opposite answers to this question constitute the respective basic premises of  two broad categories of art: Romanticism, which recognizes the existence of man's volition - and Naturalism, which denies it. ~ Above found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Literature  I guess there are many people that don't like me showing up to disturb their peace, at the farmers market and I was not going to show up today, until I saw the bagpiper yesterday and then I had something to say. The most selfish thing I have ever done is consistently, honestly, genuinely stood up for my rights and justice in A...

It Does Not Get More REAL Than This Quote! NEVER Have Been Living For Anyone Else, EVER!

"Self-Esteemed is earned." - Peter Schwartz "The irony is that the selfless man - the man who gives away pieces of his life for the sake of others - is actually a parasite : he is abjectly dependent on others to supply him with the contents of his consciousness." - Peter Schwartz

"But What Is Heroic?" - Aaron Smith

Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead: Envisioning A New Moral Ideal Aaron Smith Sept 5, 2018 " But what is heroic ?"  "And what constitutes man's highest potential? What is the moral ideal that one should admire, look up to, and seek to emulate ?" "Consider some of the central aspects of Roark's character that Rand regards as elements of that ideal. In Rand's view, everything that makes man great and noble stems from an individual's first-hand commitment to the truth and to the value of his own life and happiness. The ideal man is the man who thinks, values and lives first-hand - and that is precisely what Howard Roark represents. "Roark's essential characteristic is his independence ."  He is independent in every fundamental sense : in his thinking, in his motivation, in his choice of values, and in his work. His thoughts are his own  first-hand conclusions and he recognizes no authority above his own independen...

Freedom & Individuals Rights Vs. Zombie, Dependent, Slavery - It's Your Choice

"If you were given information by those who hack me , your privacy is done, gone, no longer valid. The proper U.S. officials now have the right to hack your life, you lost your privacy rights in America ! " " Laissez-Faire Capitalism Men deal with one another not as victims and executioners, nor as masters and slaves, but as traders by free voluntary exchange with mutual benefit. Man's right to his own life, to his own liberty, to exist for his own sake. The choice is clear cut: Either a new morality of rational self-interest, with its consequences of Freedom Justice Progress Man's happiness on earth Or the primordial morality of altruism, with its consequences of  Slavery Brute Force Stagnant Terror Sacrificial Furnaces Ask yourself : Whether any of it wold be possible if men had not accepted the idea that man is a sacrificial animal to be immolated for the sake of the " public good ?"" ~ The above fr...

Introducing Objectivism - "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death" I Mean It!

Capitalism "Give me liberty, or give me death ." - Ayn Rand "Man - every man - is an end in himself, not the means to the ends of others ." - Ayn Rand

Philosophy: Who Needs It (Course Trailer)

"That was the most selfish thing you've ever seen a man do." - Howard Roark, The Fountainhead, By Ayn Rand

Hillary Clinton & Michele Obama A Violent Liberal Iranian Muslim Does NOT OWN Me!

"As a self-reliant, self-confident individual who seeks what he/she deserves, no less and no more ." - Peter Schwartz Hillary and Michele I am not trying to be a leader, but as past first ladies, and Hillary making a run for Presidency, I would ask you to stop the politics, take the blinders off, and acknowledge a dangerous problem that if not dealt with, will have long term ramifications.  I find it hard to believe that either of you ladies could, or would show up to my face with a violent Iranian Muslim I told to get out of my life in 2005 and tell me he owns me. If that were to take place, it is as primitive as I've been describing around here.  "Reality does not disappear if we shut our eyes." - Peter Schwartz "If living is our goal, we have to keep our eyes - or, rather, our minds - in full focus. What we need is a willingness to know what can and should be known . We need a policy of long term adherence to reality. If you place...

Not Only Are Terrorists Committed To Our Destruction, They Demand, 'Someone Else Did It, Not Them'!

I have been dealing with Islamic terrorists for a very long time. I am extremely familiar with their program. Divide and conquer, destroy and kill and blame the white men/women, blame black men/women. But also use white men/women also use black men/women, for their agenda. Like right now what is being played out with the Supreme court justice. The white men/women, black men/women, on the left are slaves and sacrificial animals for the diversity terrorists. Pawns to be used, for their purpose. Trust me if you don't wake up, not only will you not be in boards rooms, you will not be in politics on the left if you are white or black. Look at my story, it does not get more evident. After they purge the left of whites and blacks then the war will be between the Sunni vs Shiite and all the other foreigners. They might have the same agenda now, but trust me they each have their separate plan in place. They came over on the boat or plane with it. Have been implementing this plan for...

"Selfless Men Abjectly Dependent Upon Others To Supply Him With The Contents Of His Consciousness" - Peter Schwartz

They simply blank out. They believe in self-sacrifice,  and what they sacrifice first is their rational faculty. They engage in no independent judgment. All these selfless destroyers   recoil from the selfish act of thinking. Instead, they allow their minds to be molded by the assertions of others  - whether a socialist leader, a Muslim cleric or a Nazi Fuhrer. They become zombies, pliant obeyers who willingly commit the most abominable crimes ." - Peter Schwartz Right now I am being hacked by the sandnigger Iranian that has been stalking, terrorizing and destroying my life since 1980. The same man who clamors along with his elk they are being discriminated against, profiled, travel bans against them, ... that they are the victims in America, not me. When they are the most violent terrorists on earth The creature Alireza Fatemi telling the world he is in love with me, but I have been living on the streets in Southern California basically si...

Letter Sent To USA TV Network Regarding Meghan Markle And Alireza Fatemi

"They share one dominant characteristic: a refusal to activate their minds. The only way for them not to comprehend  the evil they perpetrate   is to suspend  their power of comprehension." - Peter Schwartz Dear USA Network, 9/19/18 Take this letter seriously, because I WILL sue all involved in the Meghan Markle destructive show on my life. I have never met Meghan Markle, never watched one of her reality shows, but trust me Meghan Markle does not rule, run, nor own my life. Does your TV network promote slavery? That the individuals associated with your network are entitled to run someone else's life without their consent, permission, nor any form of communication. Is your network owned and operated by Islamic terrorists? I have no game with Meghan Markle, nor anyone associated with this violent individual who has no business in my life. I am living on the streets in Southern California, basically since 2000 due to Islamic jihadis who are associated ...

A Violently Abusive Iranian jihadi Continues To Think We Are In A Relationship

"Your life and mind are your own,  too precious to be surrendered." - Peter Schwartz President Trump, be warned that Alireza Fatemi and Meghan Markle hate you and your family. I've been trying to rid myself of this violent jihadi since 2005, to no avail. Alireza Fatemi's terrorists are in the library I am presently in, talking shit about you and your youngest son. I know what Iranian sandnigger Islamic doctors did to my mom. They killed her ! I'd not put anything past most foreign doctors in America. Barron might have been a victim to their evil happening here in America. I find it sick that an Iranian who is the evilest fuck on earth, is entitled to stalk me in America. President Trump, I would have no problem blowing up the entire country of Iran, for what this Iranian did to my life. I mean that with utter conviction . Unfortunately the good Iranians will have to suffer, like I have in America, for what evil Iranians do. Alireza Fatemi keep thinki...
"It takes only a single out-of-focus instant to get run over . No matter how many times in the past you have been careful. The pursuit of self-interest is a full-time job. Every lapse endangers that pursuit." pg 210-211 - Peter Schwartz, In Defense of Selfishness

Meghan Markle & Fans I Can Assure You, I Don't Give A Fuck If Someone Tortures You To EVIL Death!

Meghan Markle's gang banging Islamic jihadi terrorists have been torturing my life since 1980, behind my back. In 2004 Alireza Fatemi blatantly lied to me about not being married, with malicious intent to fuck me up with his Iranian sandnigger wives. Threatened me with this: " you are a loser and will always be a loser, my wife and I are coming after you and lets see who can fuck with who ." This sandnigger has been fucking up my life since 1980, with his evil gang. He threatened my father like they do to muslim women in the middle east, and the laundry list is long and wide. Meghan Markle I would love to be the American woman that tortures your fuck, to evil fucking death. Understand Islamic cunt? I have no feelings for you cunt, except HATE ! But that will never register in your delusional mind, because you think everyone should care about your evil nasty filthy scum fuck sandnigger shit show. Good luck cunt! Your sandnigger fuck has been torturing my entire life...

Queen Elizabeth, Family And Especially Meghan Markle

If I die tomorrow what are you all going to do, in your total fuck show? Got another game plan? Because trust me, I am beyond over all of you fucks over there in England, especially the sandnigger Islamic cunt Meghan. Meghan while you and the Queen have your pictures plastered all over fucking magazines, I have the cunt Meghans gang bangers swarm me while I live on the streets in Southern California, claiming the Royal family sleeps with kids and trafficks human beings. Do any of you over there in England think I give a fuck about you, or what the fuck you freaks do everyday? It is obvious you do nothing productive all day, but live in reality fuck shows every second of your lives. As reality fuck shows get! Trust me, I could never respect any of you, nor would I ever agree to what you did in 2018. Absurd, negligent, incompetent . If you are fucking up the world together, it is laughable that Meghan is also setting the Royal Family up! Isn't that fucked up? While Meghan dish...

While Sandniggers Fuck You Up Behind Your Back Looting, Blaming The White Man

"Ayn Rand Wrote a Guide for Hollywood on How to Make Pro-Capitalist Movies" By, Matt Novak 5/12/16 On " Smearing Wealth " " Only savages and communists get rich by force - that is, by looting the property of others. It is a basic American principle that each man is free to work for his own benefit and to go as far as his ability will carry him ; and his property is his - whether he has made one dollar or one million dollars. If the villain in your story happens to be rich - don't permit lines of dialogue suggesting that he is the typical representative of a whole society class , the symbol of all the rich. Keep it clear in your mind and in your script that his villainy is due to his own personal character - not to his wealth or class." ~ Read entire article @: Paleofuture

Seeking A Lawyer Since 2005 While Women Right Advocates Laughed Their Ass Off At Me & Supported The Most Violent Sandnigger Muslims On Earth

"You deserve the job and promotion, but someone else needs it. And they are the ones to get it. That is what altruism (diversity) demands of you." - Peter Schwartz Too all the primitive fucking coward ass women right advocates in America, would, nor could never respect you. Go support those women who never for one second did anything for rights, but you needed them for a vote. Go bring in some more males that shall take your jobs and you wonder why, you can't be hired in boardrooms. While they also destroy your rights. 

Alireza Fatemi And Gang The Sandniggers That Fuck You Up Behind Your Backs And Americans Do Nothing

Ayn Rand Wrote a Guide for Hollywood on How to Make Pro-Capitialist Movies By, Matt Novak 5/12/16 Under the heading of "Don't Smear Industrialists" "While motion pictures have a strict code that forbids us to offend or insult any group or nation - while we dare not present in a unfavorable light the tiniest Balkan kingdom - we permit ourselves to smear and slander American businessmen in the most irresponsibly dishonest manner. It is true that there are vicious businessmen - just as there are vicious men in any other class or profession. But we have been practicing an outrageous kind of double standard : we do not attack individual representatives of any other group, class or nation, in order not to imply an attack on the whole group; yet when we present individual businessmen as monsters, we claim that no reflection on the whole class of business men was intended." ~ Read entire article @: Paleofuture Americans are afraid to offend anyone, even whe...

"To Be Taken Care Of Is To Be Controlled" - Peter Schwartz

"The premise of paternalism is the premise of control." - Peter Schwartz, In Defense of Selfishness Alireza Fatemi, Meghan Markle and gang is it fun having your gang bangers walk around with target bags identifying your next victim(s)? I have had to sit in your evil fuck show every fucking day, watching the target fuck club target more of your victims. It has been such a wicked evil nightmare on a good persons mind. And you all wonder why I go crazy, you EVIL mother fuckers.  It is such an evil show on a good persons mind, so fucking EVIL! While I sit in this evil show, I am to wait obediently for the evil abusive violent Muslim I told to get the fuck out of my life in 2005. Who not only blatantly lied to me about not being married and threatened me with that wife. He has been destroying my life with his gang since 1980. You wonder why I am ready to crack? 

Wanted: Alireza Fatemi If You Have Information On His Whereabouts..

"Wanted Alireza Fatemi If you have information on the whereabouts On this Iranian sandnigger Muslim I have a reward for you. This sandnigger Iranian jihadi has been destroying my life since 1980." The meaning of Rights: "In order to live, a person must choose to think and to act - and must be left free to do so." pg. 103 "When men live among people, freedom becomes necessary, because what he needs to be free from is the interference by others." pg. 103 "A criminal must be dealt with by retaliatory force, in order to preserve the rights of his (actual and potential) victims - a task that, in a civilized society, is delegated to government." pg. 105 ~ Above quotes by Peter Schwartz, " In Defense of Selfishness " video Since 2005 I have been seeking justice, so I can be left free to think and act, without interference by others. It's 2018, I still don't have a lawyer. Everyday all day, scum fuck human ex...

I Am NOT, Nor Have I EVER Been On The Same Page, As Any Fucking Individual On Earth

America is the country of Justice. You all showed me justice does not fucking matter. Fuck you. There is no mother fucking reason, for me to be living like this for one more fucking second. I am not on the same page, as any other individual on earth, and I shall never be. We are all in complete disagreement, and we never consented to anything together. This is fucking outrageous. This show is exactly what Ayn Rand talked about. The blind evasions, and denials, and blank-outs by the masses and the few that use their minds and how they are treated like shit. Then the worst; those that did not use their minds, high-jack those that did and take their fucking time solving problems they should never solve while enjoying their life and watching the good live in evil fucking hell. We are not, nor would we ever fucking be, on the same page. EVER!
" Only savages steal the knowledge from someone else,  and act like superior fucking human beings,  only a fucking savage does that." 

Dear World, I Am Not A Sacrificial Animal, Nor Slave

Collectivism "Collectivism does not preach sacrifice as a temporary means to some desirable end. Sacrifice is its end - sacrifice as a way of life . It is man's independence, success, prosperity, and happiness that collectivists wish to destroy. Observe the snarling, hysterical hatred with which they greet any suggestion that sacrifice is not necessary , that a non-sacrificial society is possible to men, that it is the only society able to achieve man's well-being ." ~ Above found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Collectivism

Alireza Fatemi And Meghan Markle Know Ahlam Ahmad Al-Tamini?

- Meghan Markle do you know Ahlam Ahmad Al-Tamimi ? - FBIs Most Wanted terrorist: Ahlam Ahmad Al-Tamimi "Conspiring to Use and Using a Weapon of Mass Destruction Against a United States National Outside the United States Resulting in Death and Aiding and Abetting and Causing an Act to be Done" - Above found @: FBI - FBIs most wanted terrorist: Ahlam Ahmad Al-Tamimi "Individual Charged in Connection with 2001 Terrorist attack in Jerusalem That Resulted in Death of Americans. Ahlam Ahmad Al-Tamimi has been charged with participating in an August 9, 2001, suicide bomb attack at a pizza restaurant in Jerusalem that killed 15 people , including two United States nationals . Four other United States nationals were among approximately 122 others injured in the attack ." - Above found @: FBI  Dear world I take life seriously, and I don't play games with adults that act like children. Understand? No most of you won't, but trust me I got...

Freedom Is Allowing Others To Agree Or Not Agree

Toohey made his own goal, power over the opinions of others ." - Ayn Rand, The Fountainhad If an individual or a group does not want to allow you, your own opinions, they don't believe in individual rights. They are a collective, clan, gang, or mob that wants to control, manipulate, coerce, force their opinions on you.  This comes in many forms. Whether it by family, religion, culture, or just a group of people that want to tell you they know better than you, and your mind, nor opinion matters. These individuals don't believe in individual rights.  No matter if they are right about the facts regarding something, if you chose to disagree, that is your choice. Whether you do so, by your own evidence, or not. Even if you are wrong and they are right, in America you can chose to disagree.  But power lust like Toohey's was about being wrong and forcing that wrong opinion, ideas, facts, upon others, without the other individuals being able to agree or dis...

"America Is Based On The Ideal Of"

Ayn Rand Wrote a Guide for Hollywood on How to Make Pro-Capitalist Movies By, Matt Novak 5/12/16 "Under the heading of " Don't Smear Success " " America is based on the ideal of man's dignity and self-respect . Dignity and self-respect are impossible without a sense of personal achievement. When you defame success, you defame human dignity. America is the land of the self-made man . Say so on the screen." - Read entire article @: Paleofuture

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu What Would You Do To A Woman Shiite Terrorist Trying To Take You Down?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu what would you want to do to a woman, that would invade your country claiming to be a patriot of Israel, but was an Islamic terrorist? More importantly a woman who would entice your family into a relationship for the mere purpose and intention of ruining and destroying you, all in the disguise of radical shiite Islam? I know what I would do to her. Torture her to fucking evil death. It is one thing for Islamic males to fuck me up, but trust me Islamic women it is so worse for you to fuck me up. Especially behind my back when I did nothing to you. And all the others. I got no game with the shiite Islamic fuck show, trying to claim they are something besides that. Many of the enemies of Israel reside in Laguna Beach, California and the Orange county area. Pieces of fucking evil shit. Not only are they enemies of Israel, but America as well. Felt their wrath my entire life. And I know they had something to do with certain deaths of some of my Jewish ...

Liberals I'm Not A Slave For 'The Diversity Slave Masters'

"Liberals  I'm Not A Slave For The  Diversity Slave Masters !" Ayn Rand Wrote a Guide for Hollywood on How to Make Pro-Capitalist Movies By, Matt Novak 5/12/13 "On "Innocent Stories"" "The purpose of the Communists in Hollywood is not the production of political movies openly advocating Communism. Their purpose is to corrupt our moral premises by corrupting non-political movies - by introducing small, casual bits of propaganda into innocent stories - thus making people absorb the basic premises of Collectivism by indirection and implication ." ~ Read entire article @ Paleofuture This is what 'The Diversity Movement' is doing in America. Understand the difference between 'The Diversity Movement' and honestly, genuinely and graciously welcoming immigrants legally into America. It must be understood and the different implications each has . 
"Roark's apparent "sacrifice," on the other hand, is nothing of the sort. If he insists on his own methods and designs, it is because they are his own. The true sacrifice, Rand makes clear,  would be to compromise his artistic integrity  for mere popular approval , or even material comfort." - Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

Dear World I Am Going To Show You How OVER The Second Handed Fuck Show I Am, WATCH!

There is nothing left to say, to the self importance of second handers and the greatest evil second handed fuck show on earth. Nothing would ever register in your minds. Go enjoy your life, because you deserve to, because you were the smart and wise. Real fucking over you. This is NOT acceptable ! I could NEVER look one individual on earth directly in the eyes and say, I respect you. Because I don't! You don't deserve respect ! There are enormous amounts of ways to handle problems, not just one. Trust me, I am over this fucking one. Next time you might want to try another way.

The Clock Could Never Be Turned Back, Beyond It!

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu I have more hate for your enemy Iran, than you do. I have more hate for your enemy Palestine, than you do. I have felt their wrath my entire life, in the United States of America. I would love to leave this world in a military uniform killing, destroying these people and countries. This is not a joke. I will never want to do anything else, in life, after what was done to my mind and life. Too much, beyond it. You are stupid to think I am kidding about what I say here and that I don't mean it. Beyond stupid. I could not, nor would ever respect any individual on earth, ever again in my life . That is a fact. It is not that you just don't know when enough is enough, you intentionally make it as worse as it could be for a mind, when you have the power not to. Be fucking scared folks, fucking over you all. All you important people that want something I don't, go find someone to live in hell while you retrieve it. I would rather go in the ma...

You Can't Expect Iranians Not To Live By Death To America, England, Israel, . . .

"Ayn Rand Wrote a Guide for Hollywood on How to Make Pro-Capitalist Movies" Under the heading of " Don't Smear an Independent Man " "Don't make every form of loneliness a sin, and every form of the herd spirit a virtue. Remember that America is the country of the pioneer, the non-conformist, the inventor, the originator, the innovator. Remember that all the great thinkers, artists, scientists were single, individual, independent men who stood alone, and discovered new directions of achievement - alone ." Don't let yourself be fooled when the Reds tell you that what they want to destroy are men like Hitler or Mussolini. What they want to destroy are men like Shakespeare, Chopin and Edison." On "you know who else wanted to invade Hollywood ..." "There is no obligation on you to make political pictures - if you do not wish to take a strong stand . You are free to confine your work to good, honest, non-political...

9/11/01 Added To The Message, Never Forgive

This message has personal significance for me. I firmly believe Alireza Fatemi, the wife he lied about, his gang were involved in 9/11 and have been around the Orange Country, California area since 1980 destroying my life and world behind my back. I will Never Forget, Never Forgive, Never Surrender .

All Relationships Are Based On Voluntary Agreement, Not Force

- Ayn Rand Wrote a Guide for Hollywood on How to Make Pro-Capitalist Movies Cooperation " Cooperation is the free association of men who work together by voluntary agreement , each deriving from it his own personal benefit." " Screen Guide for Americans ," Plain Talk, Nov. 1947, 40 " A proper association is untied by ideas, not by men , and its members are loyal to the ideas, not to the group. It is eminently reasonable that men should seek to associate with those who share their convictions and values. It is impossible to deal or even to communicate with men whose ideas are fundamentally opposed to one's own (and one should be free not to deal with them). All proper associations are formed or joined by individual choice and on conscious, intellectual grounds (philosophical, political, professional, etc.) - not by the physiological or geographical accident of birth, and not on the ground of tradition. When men are united by ideas, i.e., by exp...