Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu What Would You Do To A Woman Shiite Terrorist Trying To Take You Down?
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu what would you want to do to a woman, that would invade your country claiming to be a patriot of Israel, but was an Islamic terrorist? More importantly a woman who would entice your family into a relationship for the mere purpose and intention of ruining and destroying you, all in the disguise of radical shiite Islam?
I know what I would do to her. Torture her to fucking evil death. It is one thing for Islamic males to fuck me up, but trust me Islamic women it is so worse for you to fuck me up. Especially behind my back when I did nothing to you. And all the others. I got no game with the shiite Islamic fuck show, trying to claim they are something besides that.
Many of the enemies of Israel reside in Laguna Beach, California and the Orange county area. Pieces of fucking evil shit. Not only are they enemies of Israel, but America as well. Felt their wrath my entire life. And I know they had something to do with certain deaths of some of my Jewish friends, just like my own family members killed by them. They also have a clan of Asians.
These people have been stalking, destroying, terrorizing, killing my family and friends for a long time in America. They hack my computer everyday, follow me 24/7. You should have some of your intelligence follow me around, hack my computer and you shall find your enemies as well. Trust me I want to get them all. They invade my privacy, so lets invade theirs. All of them.
They live on the streets, in shelters and take government money, while fucking Americans up everyday. They live in nice houses, work in cooperation's, in the FBI, other government positions, military, own businesses, are doctors killing us, professors, school teachers, scientists, . . . they have invaded all areas of America. Presently trying to blame the Queen of England for their EVIL!