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Not Only Did You Not Believe My Abuse,....

"If you believe in equal rights,
then what do 
'women rights,'
'gay rights,' ect., mean?
Either they are redundant
or they are violations of the principle
of equal rights for all."
- Thomas Sowell

Not only did you not believe my abuse, you laughed, snickered, called me a liar, lazy, loser. More grotesquely, you honestly believe my Iranian Islamic abuser owns me! Sick Shit! One of the most horrendous stories. 

But let me say this to the women who are imprisoned in Saudi Arabia, recently arrested. You are in prison for standing up trying to end the driving ban and male guardianship in Saudi Arabia. I am an American woman who has been trying to stop that primitive behavior, from taking hold in America. 

And it is disturbing how I was shunned by American Women who claim to be for the 'Rights' of females. Scary as hell! It must be important to the Saudi women if they really want their rights and freedom, that America must care and take radical measures about who immigrates here. 

Because if this primitive behavior takes precedence here for lack of judgment on those immigrating to America, it's over for you also in Saudi Arabia. My story should be disturbing to you, not in a primary sense, but because America has always been at the forefront of Freedom and Individual Rights for all!

I've been trying to rid myself of an Iranian Muslim since 2005, whose been destroying my life and world probably since 1980. It is 2018, and there are people who believe this evil fuck owns me, can you imagine?

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