An Address To Dianne Feitstein, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Michele Obama, All Other Women and Men
Dear Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Michele Obama, All Other Women and Men,
Warning: profanity is necessary
I AM the angriest American, in America and I am a female. I lost absolute respect, for the country I was born in.
Take this letter seriously, because it is an evaluation of the mockery going on in United States politics. I must say
with conviction, the worst President I voted for two times, President Obama and his liberal clan of women don't
take serious, true abuse allegations. ESPECIALLY when it is directed at Iranian Muslims. Yes, Gloria I used the
word Muslim, get use to it and stop evading Muslims are also abusers.
A certain group of Liberal women portray professional women who come out of the woods 30 years after their abuse,
ONLY at a time when the person they are accusing is seeking a nomination they want to stop, as women that are honest.
Honesty is not always about being moral. To an individual like myself, a woman who has been living in hell on the streets
seeking justice since 2005, the first woman to come out against the supreme court nominee is not honest but dishonest.
Why? Because why in the hell did it take a professional women this long to do so and ONLY at this specific time?
Do you know how many days, more importantly years, I have held cardboard signs seeking justice for my abuser(s)?
Only to be laughed at, snickered at, told I am a lying, lazy, loser,... people ripping signs from you, calling the cops on
me probably at least 100-200 calls. I have been living on the streets basically since 2000 half with a car, half without
and a little in a sheltered place. Lost almost all my teeth. Everyday is crazyville with stalkers of various natures, for various
reasons invading my space. There is NO privacy on the streets. My story is long, ugly, disturbing, vicious, and evil!
"A rational individual regards his life as precious
and wants to know what he ought to do to live it,
not to surrender it."
- Peter Schwartz
You think I have respect for the first woman, who came out 30 years after the fact, claiming she was abused by the recent
supreme court nominee? Hell fucking NO! Or any of the women cheering her on? Hell fucking NO! I am as livid as you
could imagine. Yes she might have been abused, but as a professional woman if she was really affected by this abuse,
she should have come out about it long ago.
Not all liberal women, nor liberal men advocate or support abortion. How many abortion clinics are there in the middle east
or any Islamic country? One, none, any? There are Christians that support abortion. How many Muslims do you think in
America, support abortion? Do you have numbers and evidence for these ratios? Hard numbers, not just small talk?
Trust me I am not just made at the Liberals, I am basically mad at this country. But women really dissed me and they do
have the right to diss me, disagree with me, ect... but trust me after my support for the rights of women, I got a shit pile
to say after the most horrendous abuse by Iranian Muslims. I think white/black men in this country should also be violently
angry at the shit show going on here. They are accused of abuse instantly and you never hear abuse cases directed at
the Islamic community. Fucking over this shit.
"Human life depends on one's willing adherence to the demands of reality,
which every act of dishonesty contradicts and undermines."
- Peter Schwartz
Tomorrow I have to go to court for a trespassing sleeping ticket and I might have to go to jail for it. All because of women
who dissed me on the evilest abuse by Iranian Muslims. I had enough abuse, long ago. Believe me I would like to rip
some heads off literally for the freak show. But it is more than a freak show, it is negligent, incompetent women who need
to think about the implications going on here in politics in America. Who and what values are you supporting in the year
2018? Do you seriously know? Taqiyya have you heard the word Taqiyya? Do you understand or comprehend Taqiyya's
definition, meaning? Don't care, just get the votes?
According to Christian ethics lying is a sin; In Islamic jurisprudence and theology, the use of taqiyya against the unbelievers
is regarded as a virtue and a religious duty.
It is time to stop feeling guilty and sorry, for those that don't deserve those emotions. It is time to stop having an open
heart, an open mind and really have an active mind and seriously listen, to stories like mine. My story is not a joke.
When my father was threatened by this Iranian Muslim who is a violent abuser, to threaten me like they do to Muslim
women in the middle east, you better be ready to do something. Because I have been for a long time and I am not, nor
will I ever be politically correct after this evil abuse. I DEMAND my justice. And I did not come out of left field 30 years
later, there is enormous evidence of my pleas, while living on the streets.
"It is in your best interest to judge everyone by an objective standard that distinguishes
good from evil - i.e., that distinguishes a value from a threat."
- Peter Schwartz
I am not seeking the unearned, the undeserved, fame, power, leadership,... I have ONLY been seeking proper justice
for the radical infringement upon my rights. Because without this justice, there is no life. And the Iranian I am bringing
to your attention, believes he is a victim also, and that it is still acceptable for him to stalk me. That we are in a relationship
and since he has been stalked, he has the right to do the same to me. We are not in a relationship, never will be. He
blatantly lied to me in 2004 that he was NOT married. After two months of a odd deal I told him I did not want to see him
any more. He kept calling, controlling, manipulating and in 2005 I left a nasty message telling him to stop contacting me.
This is what he left on my voice mail afterwards: "you are a loser and will always be a loser, my wife and I are coming
after you and lets see who can fuck with who." Went out to a restaurant for breakfast one time with this creature. Went
out in public two times, the restaurant, the other a walk on the beach. ONLY two fucking times in public with this fuck,
who blatantly lied to me the second time of interaction that he was not married. But most importantly he probably has
been stalking and destroying my life behind my back since 1980.
Dianne, if you Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Michele Obama and the list goes on believe this kind of behavior is acceptable
here in America, we got fucking problems. Trust me, I am not the kind of woman that plays games in relationships, I've
always been extremely independent, never needed anyone and I hate this KIND! That is why I voted for Trump. Because
there needs to be a ball buster, for this shit. Yeah I said a ball buster. We need, we must, it is absolutely pertinent to get
shit straight here. Real straight, pressed out real straight on the ironing board. That is why I have written to you.
Lastly, would you have the courage to show up to my face, with the Iranian Muslim that maliciously lied to me about not
being married, and tell me he runs, rules and owns my life?
Best Regards,
Lynn Merri Leseth