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Letter Sent To USA TV Network Regarding Meghan Markle And Alireza Fatemi

"They share one dominant characteristic:
a refusal to activate their minds.
The only way for them not to comprehend 
the evil they perpetrate 
is to suspend 
their power of comprehension."

Dear USA Network,

Take this letter seriously, because I WILL sue all involved in the Meghan Markle destructive show on my life. I have never met Meghan Markle, never watched one of her reality shows, but trust me Meghan Markle does not rule, run, nor own my life.

Does your TV network promote slavery? That the individuals associated with your network are entitled to run someone else's life without their consent, permission, nor any form of communication. Is your network owned and operated by Islamic terrorists?

I have no game with Meghan Markle, nor anyone associated with this violent individual who has no business in my life. I am living on the streets in Southern California, basically since 2000 due to Islamic jihadis who are associated with Meghan Markle.

Does anyone at USA network know an Iranian Muslim named Alireza Fatemi, a creature who blatantly, with malice lied to me about not being married? Then threatened me with this; "you are a loser and will always be a loser, my wife and I are coming after you and lets see who can fuck with who."

Threatened my father ten years later, and I never introduced him to my father with this; "that if I did not forgive the violent Iranian sandnigger Muslim it would not turn out good." And the laundry list of this creatures evil upon my life and world is long.

This man presently believes we are in a relationship and I am living on the streets, while Meghan Markle has her gang bangers swarm me everyday claiming she is being abused, and the royal family does bad things.

If you like to promote reality shows, and project these kind of creatures of anti-man, anti-life, anti-living, perpetual conflict by reality show Islamic terrorists you got a TV series of shit. More important shit fuck human beings that set up everyone else around the world, for their evil.

Alireza Fatemi will contact you and tell you some other story, but it does not matter this is my life and he has no right in my life no matter stories of any nature. It is not his life, nor Meghan Markles life, nor any other person on earths life.

I will sue anyone at USA TV network associated with Alireza Fatemi and Meghan Markle involved in this evil of all evil show.

Best Regards,
Lynn Merri Leseth

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