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Showing posts from February, 2019

I Don't Care What I Say, Write Or Do, Because I Am Violently Angry At The World For NOT Giving Me Justice!

I Am Not Out Here To Live - I Provoke To Have Someone Kill Me - If I Am Not Killed - I Will Blow My Brains Out In Front Of This Country For What You All Did To My Life While YOU Enjoyed Yours! I Promise!

I AM Not Your Political Fucking Goddamn Pawn! For Any Political Party, Especially The Democrats - I Voted For Obama Both Terms, I Voted For Trump - I Would NEVER Vote AGAIN For Anyone EVER!

" Brown Islamic fuck or any other brown foreigner OWNS my life !" Tom Perez do you think I am your political pawn Mexican beaner fuck ? Chuck Schumer do you think I am your political pawn you white nigger? Nancy mother fucking Pelosi do you think I am your political pawn and I would EVER in my life respect YOU? Hell fucking no you dumb white nigger woman. Michael Blake do you think I am your political pawn? Are you with the muslim brotherhood gang stalking me with muslims ? Bill Derrough trust me I am not a political pawn for the Democrats, nor the Republicans, but trust me I am well over the foreign fuck on the left and their entitlement program, while I live in HELL! Maria Elena Durazo do you know how long I have been gang stalked by Islamic terrorists and gang bangers in the state and country I was born in, be fucking scared! Ken Martin I am not your political pawn for the Islamic shiite, nanny state, dependent program. Grace Meng I have been gang stalked by muslim

If You Seriously Think I Am A Political Pawn For You Watch! A Pawn Of Any Kind, WATCH!

"I'm NOT Your Political Pawn!" Never been out here, nor would I ever be a leader ever. I don't want to be a fucking leader, EVER. Not why I am out here. I ain't a pawn for anyone, for any fucking reason. Fatemi and Gomez do you know Beto? Is he fucking up my life, with you over there in Texas? A trash fucking white nigger? Running around fucking people up behind their backs, acting great and wants to be a leader for power. Just your kind of fucking scum.

I Promise The World I Don't Give One Fuck What You ARE Doing NEVER Would I Will Show You I Am Out Here To Be DEAD In YOUR Trash Fucking Moive - WATCH DUMB FUCK

I will provoke to be killed or I will blow my brains out in front of all you coward American fuck, but I would never spend a precious second with any fucking one of you EVER, watch! Keep the self righteous importance while enjoying your life, KEEP IT! NEVER been on the same page as any of YOU!

All I Do Is To Provoke The Fuck That Thinks He Is A Patriot And Is NOT - Do You Get Me Sandnigger And Clan Bangers - I Do My Best To Provoke To Be Killed Because I Was Over The Trash Movie Long Ago

The Devil Of Ramadi The American Hero - ISIS, IRGC, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, Muslim Brotherhood, MS-13, Mexican Mafia, Surenos, . . I Am The DEVIL Of America Fucks - WATCH! My Signs Are For You Fucks Who Destroyed My Fucking Life - Watch!

Not out here to beat Chris Kyle's record. I am out here because I was radically fucking oppressed by you terrorists and gang banging mother fuckers. Chris Kyle was trained, I am not. Chris Kyle was not oppressed by you, I fucking was. So watch mother fuckers what I want to do to so many of you fucks.  You slaughtered Chris Kyle and many other military members here in America, and also family members of military members, like myself. I am personally out here to set a precedent, whether I live or die as the American bitch you NEVER wanted to fuck up.  So OVER my country not doing anything and allowing you terrorists and gang banging scum to go on and on in your fuck show. Blaming England, that is stupid by all. I don't control anyone, but myself and I know who the fuck I am.  I am not on anyone's team, because I would have declared an all out war when Obama was in office. The Queen of England can play all the games she wants, she is being fucking DUMB with me

Fatemi, Gomez And Clan Your Banger Russell Said I Love You I Need You But It Is Not The Time - Sandnigger It Will NEVER Be The Time Fuck, EVER I Kill Fuck Like You

Keep Thinking I Am Out Here For YOU, For Love, For Your Goal, Purpose, . . . Watch What Happens!

The Devil Of Ramadi The American Hero - Provoking The Islamic Gang Bangers, Terrorists, Their Clan Of Scum,... Stalking, Destroying And Fucking With Me - I'm Not A Pawn!

I am not a pawn for any political party, any individual, group, anyone or anything, I am NOT your pawn in this fuck show . Everything I do, say, write, the signs I make and protest with are a goal for my own personal agenda. I do not agree with this fuck show , but I only control my life. I am so violently angry at the world, for what you are all doing right now. I am not a pawn for the Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, any political party, I am not your pawn. Seriously I am NOT your pawn and I am violently angry at what you got rolling ! Get real because I ain't a pawn for anyone and I MEAN IT ! It does not register in your minds, that I ain't into YOU enjoying life right now, but I ain't! I ain't on the same page as any single fuck on earth. Rather be dead like Chris Kyle, than breath on more breath. It is 2019 and I am well over your trash fucking show on my good life , because of your ignorance . I promise you all, I am NOT doing this for YOU! Watch! Wat

Would Never Be On Your Team Ever

Keep Making Me Look Like The Lying Lazy Loser, While You Worship Scum Fuck Evil, Treat Me Like A Fucking Animal - Watch How It Works The Fuck Out For YOU Coward Fucks!

Rather Be DEAD, America, DEAD! Keep The Unearned Glory, Honor, Self Righteous Importance, Fame, Cash,. . . While You Hide Cowards

America So Over Your Trash Movie!

Not sure I will live, but I have been screaming about stalking Islamic terrorists and gang bangers in America since 2005. There might be a connection to the death of Chris Kyle and the Iranian shiite terrorists I have been screaming about. I am very angry at America. Not to make light of Chris Kyle's life or death, but after the HELL I have been living in, in America, I would rather be dead. The scum I am bringing to your attention are parasites and leeches that have infiltrated into the military and every aspect of American life. These terrorists are trying to blame the Queen of England for their evil. Chris Kyle and the true patriots he fought with, know the KIND of Islamic evil I am talking about . They had, have the minds to be able to identify the difference between a real enemy and a fake enemy the real enemy, is trying to use, in their divide and conquer war. Believe me my Islamic stalkers are reading what I am writing to you now. They might have infiltrated into your o

Seriously I Used To Like Israel, But Now I Think Of Them Like The Muslims No Difference, But So Is White Trash America, It's All Trash!

Can You Even Begin To Imagine Your Trash Fucking Show - This Is A Trash Movie - Not About Ideal Individuals None Of You ARE - American Trash!

America The Land Of COWARD Fucks

Seriously I Want To Be Known As An American? I Ain't On Your Goddamn Fucking TEAM Coward Fucks!

You Will All GET That I Never Have Been Living In HELL For You, For One Goddamn Mother Fucking Second Coward Fucks, NOT ONE! - WATCH!

I have copies of four letters I sent out seeking asylum in Israel in December 2018, with one response to lead to another organization, and then no response. If you seriously think I am sitting in YOUR hell while you enjoy life, fucking watch what every single one of you did to my life, while you enjoyed life, watch fucks . Seriously watch fucks. I don't fight with COWARDS ! Rather be dead as all fuck like Chris Kyle than spend one precious second with any of you SCUM, ever! You will all and I mean all,  understand, I would never work for you, be on your team, want shit from you, have anything ever in my goddamn fucking life to do with anyone, in this fuck show, EVER! Watch what you all did to my life, and I said fucking ALL ! Not only are you cowards, you do NOT deserve to be enjoying life, right this goddamn mother fucking second, do you fucking get me fuck coward fucks . Incompetent, negligent, stupid, ignorant, appeasing, trash fucking scum! YOU WILL! You fucked up so

Is Everyone Having Fun Playing Games With My Life? I'm NOT! And I Am Not Playing Games With Anyone!

Why are you worried about what I do, what I look like, how much I weigh, what I eat, . . .? WHY? Not out here for you, so don't worry about what I do, look like, weigh, . . .! Worry that I don't like to be fucked up, by Islamic sandniggers, gang bangers, called a lying, lazy loser, . . . because you were stupid. Worry that no one is going to tell me what to do, who my enemy is, run my fucking life for a mother fucking second, . . . no one! Worry that I don't give a fuck who you say is destroying America, your mind don't run my mind, or life. You don't force information on me, you don't force shit on me! Not out here for YOU! Worry that I would rather be dead as all fuck, like the hero Chris Kyle than live one more fucking second in this freak fuck war. I have nothing to prove to one person on earth, nothing. I don't need you. Seriously I don't need parasites an leeches, that don't trade value . I ain't out here to win the lottery. You ar

Alireza Fatemi, Ed Gomez And American Traitor Fuck Gang Of Evil Did You Have Something To Do With The Amazon Plane Crash? But You Will Blame The Queen Of England!

  Interesting the Amazon plane crash happened in Texas, the same state where Jeff Bezos was in a helicopter crash in March 2003! How many months did this happen after the warehouse explosion 12/5/2018? Wonder if Jeff's going to be ex-wife, knows Fatemi, Gomez and gang of evil? Or is it a high level employee(s) or another employee(S) involved here with the gang of evil? Competitor? Who?

Play American Sniper Every Where - I Have No Game With NO One In This Fuck Show NONE! - It Is Me Against The World In A Lunatic Coward War!

If you seriously believe I am living in hell for you, I am not. Not for any person on earth. If you think I am doing anything for you, I am not! Never have!  I do not fight wars like this. But you can. I do not agree to how this war is being fought, in any manner. I am NOT on your team . Republicans and Democrats do either of you, think I am living in hell for your group, purpose, aim, goals? NO ! Nor for any other political party, individual or group. Women Right Advocates, do you think I am living in hell for you? NO ! Do you think I hold signs for you, especially you terrorists ? NO ! But you terrorists and gang bangers who have been viciously stalking me, basically my entire life, think I do hold signs for you, since my country won't give me justice. It is one fucked up show ! It is appalling how this shit was, is being handled. Good Americans being ruined because of coward fucks! I promise America, Americans and the world I am not living in HELL for one individual on

Good Afternoon Stalking Abdullah Thanks For Checking Up On Me Muslim Brotherhood Gang Banger

Keep Thinking I Am Living In Hell For You And In Your Boot Camp - WATCH How It Works Out For YOU!

Gila AKA Ghada Said Was Strolling The Boardwalk This Morning With Her Blue Star Shirt - Ghada Tell Me What The Fuck To Do Shiite Fuck And Watch What I Do To YOU!

Sandnigger The ONLY Way You Will Take My Life Over Is By Force And I Will Fight To Death If You Try!

Making Terrible Choices Will Have Consequences - Rather Be DEAD As All Fuck Like Chris Kyle - So Over The World And Your Trash Fuck Show

Keep Thinking I Care What The Fuck You Are Doing - Keep Thinking I Care About Your Bathroom, Muffin Fuck Show - Show Up To My Face And I Will KILL Your Fuck!

Alireza Fatemi The Guy Who Rides His Bike Into Town Tell Him To Be Scared This Is NOT A Fucking Game With Me Fucks - WATCH - No Games

Who LIED To Me About NOT Being Married, Threatened To Fuck Me Up With The Wife He Lied About, , Told Me He And His Wife WERE Going To Fuck Me UP, Threatened My Father To Threaten Me - A Man Who Identified Himself As Alireza Fatemi An Iranian Shiite

Did the Queen of England have Alireza Fatemi lie to me about not being married? Did the Queen of England have Alireza Fatemi threaten me with his wife, threaten my father to threaten? Did my first boyfriend and his family have Alireza Fatemi lie to me about not being married? Did my first boyfriend and his family have Alireza Fatemi threaten me with his wife? Did my first boyfriend and his family have Alireza Fatemi threaten my father, to threaten me? Or did Alireza Fatemi threaten me by his own personal choices?

Not Living In HELL For YOU - WATCH

Will Any Woman Right Advocate Speak Out About Tortured American Women In Their Backyards By Islamic Fucking Terrorists On International Women's Day - Or Will You Be Silent And Stand By The Islamic Scum Linda Sarsour?

Real patriots are never acknowledged. They are only fucked up and tortured every fucking day. While shit fuck scum fake patriots walk around in grand fucking importance. Pictures of them plastered all over the place. Wrongly held on a pedestal, by ignorant fucking individuals.

Are All The Fake Coward ASS Patriots Going To Be A Part Of A Farce Of A Ludicrous Parade Acting Like You Are A Patriot But Have Only Been A Fucking American Coward Fuck Enjoying Life While True Patriots Live In Fucking Hell

Keep The Unearned America Coward Fucking SCUM You Are All Just As Evil As The Sandnigger - There Is No Difference Between You And HIM NONE Coward Fucks - The Greatest Crime By The Entire Country Of America On One Americans Life - FUCK YOU! You Don't Deserve To Be Enjoying Life Coward Fucking Trash!

Every Single Person In This Fuck Show Will Get, Whether I Live Or Die - I Have NEVER Been On The Same Page As Anyone EVER!

Rather Be DEAD Like A Hero Chris Kyle - Not Spend A Second With All You Fucking American Coward Fucks There Should Have Been A Real War Started In America Long Ago Coward Fucks - Not A Coward Fucking War

Every Single Person In This Fuck Show Is SCUM, Trash, Filth, Dirt, Walking Around Acting Goddamn Important And Self Righteous While I Live IN HELL! Keep The Unearned Trash Fucking Scum Fuck Cowards

President Trump How Over Do You Think I Am This Fuck Show On My Life? Huh? While Stupid Americans Enjoy Life, I Live In Hell Because YOU ALL Were Stupid Fuck!

I would drop bombs on America Trump for what you and this country are doing to my life right now mother fucker. Get serious Trump. Instead of make America great again. I say make people hate America. Make people fuck up America how about that fucking Trump. So over this country fucking up my life, while allowing evil to go on and on. So over you fucks . . So OVER you trash fucking women right cunt fuck stupid fucks. So over you Atheist dumb fucks that took the side of the sandnigger. So over you scum at Ayn Rand that supported the sandnigger. So over all political parties in America you fucking SCUM! You are all fucking scum. Let me do this to your life you dumb fucks . All you stupid people making me live in HELL because YOU were the dumb fuck. How could I not hate your fuck for what YOU did! All you jew fuck that I always stood by you are fucking scum. You would not even give me asylum but wanted me to sit in your evil fuck show on my life, while you enjoy life. How fucked up

If You Are Planning One Mother Fucking Second Of My Life, You ARE Planning The Wrong Fucking Bitches Life - Don't Plan One Mother Fucking Second Of My Life American Fuck!

Seriously This Show Is Exactly What Ayn Rand Talked About - Those That Steal Other Peoples Stuff And Enjoy Life While Doing So! Keep It, Enjoy Life, While I Live In Hell! KEEP IT! The Unearned While Making Me Look Like The Lying Lazy Loser I Am NOT!

I'll NEVER Respect Those That Stole The Shit I Acknowledged And Thoroughly Enjoyed Life While Solving The Problems I Addressed Which They Protected, Supported, Sanctioned And Allowed - While Dissing My Ass, Making Crazy On My Life, Telling Me To Get A Job, Calling Me A Lying Lazy Loser While They Enjoyed Life! Handing Cash To EVIL!

This Entire Show By All Is Ludicrous! Keep The Unearned Fame, Glory, Honor, Self Righteous Importance, Cash, . . . All Because YOU Were DUMB And Are Entitled To Enjoy Life Because YOU Were Dumb Not Me!

Keep Thinking I Care What You Are Doing After Stealing My Shit Because You Were Dumb - Most Importantly You Are Enjoying Life And I Am Living In HELL! I Don't!

I Am Going To Make Sure The Movie American Sniper Is Never Banned Again And Played Everywhere - The New Movie Will Be About The Devil In America - The Woman Who Took Down Islamic SCUM In America!

- Sonny Saghera Fatemi and Ed do you know Sonny Saghera? Is Sonny the Fire Captain part of your terrorist fire fuck club? I have accused everyone of being involved, but I know many in your fuck club work as Firemen. He is part of the Chris Kyle foundation and I know how you parasites infiltrate into groups, companies, organizations as FAKE fuck and traitors. After what the world did to my life I don't trust anyone. It is a real fucked up show, that I am very angry about.

Alireza Fatemi, Ed Gomez And Clan Bangers Know These Iranian Shitte Muslim IRGC Cyber Terrorists?

- @ FBI: Monica Elfriede Witt "A former U.S. Air Force intelligence specialist has been charged with betraying her oath to protect and defend the United States by delivering sensitive national defense information to the Iranian government, according to an indictment unsealed today by the Department of Justice. - @ FBI: Masoumpour, Mesri, Parvar, Paryar Monica Elfriede Witt, who served in the Air Force from 1997 through 2008 and then with a cleared defense contractor until 2010, is charged alongside four Iranians who allegedly used information provided by Witt in a cyber campaign to target and compromise other U.S. security personnel. . . ." - Read entire article @ FBI

If You Think I Am Out Here Looking For Love Watch What I Do To YOU! If You Think I Am Living In HELL For You Watch What I Do To YOU! This Is A REAL Fucked Up Show, WATCH!

Not Sure If Alireza Fatemi Is Ed Gomez Or These Two Individuals Are Different People But NO Fucking Game With Either Of These Fucks, And All Their Clan Bangers NONE!

Ed Gomez is a Mexican beaner I went to high school with. A Mexican I had nothing against, but I had a boyfriend I went to the prom with and Ed Gomez was mad I did not go to the prom with him. Ed Gomez are you Alireza Fatemi? Or are you two different fucking stalkers? Ed Gomez are you a gang banger? Which fucking Mexican gang do you belong to? MS-13, Mexican Mafia, Surenos, . . . which one fuck? I did not go to prom with Ed Gomez, because he was Mexican. I did not go to prom with Ed Gomez, because I had a boyfriend who went to a different high school and we went to prom together. Can you imagine being stalked since high school by a Mexcian gang banging beaner for 40 years, because I did not go to the fucking prom with him! I graduated high school in 1979, it is 2019. Be scared Mexican beaner! I have never had anything against Mexicans, always watched most work hard. I know not all Mexicans are bad. I also know good Mexicans have and do suffer, at the hands of Mexican gang bang

I Have No Qualifications Like Chris Kyle The 'American Sniper' Except I Have Been Terrorized By The Islamic Terrorists He Targeted - This Is To All Those Scum Fuck Muslim Student Association Fucks That Banned His Movie - Chris Was Called The Devil Of Ramadi I'm The Devil Of America

It is not breaking a record I am after, it is removing enormous amounts of scum that don't belong in fucking America, that's my target. You muslims and other clan bangers shouldn't have fucked up my life, I wouldn't be so fucking wicked. But YOU DID ! Now you got one fucking devil of an enemy .

Sandnigger Muslim You, America And Your Daddy Can Kill My Fuck You Are A Filthy Sandnigger - Does Prince MBS Like Your Musilm ARSE? Your An Islamic Terrorist COWARD Fuck! Go Run For President With Linda Sarsour And Suck Her CUNT!