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Not Sure If Alireza Fatemi Is Ed Gomez Or These Two Individuals Are Different People But NO Fucking Game With Either Of These Fucks, And All Their Clan Bangers NONE!

Ed Gomez is a Mexican beaner I went to high school with. A Mexican I had nothing against, but I had a boyfriend I went to the prom with and Ed Gomez was mad I did not go to the prom with him. Ed Gomez are you Alireza Fatemi? Or are you two different fucking stalkers? Ed Gomez are you a gang banger? Which fucking Mexican gang do you belong to? MS-13, Mexican Mafia, Surenos, . . . which one fuck?

I did not go to prom with Ed Gomez, because he was Mexican. I did not go to prom with Ed Gomez, because I had a boyfriend who went to a different high school and we went to prom together. Can you imagine being stalked since high school by a Mexcian gang banging beaner for 40 years, because I did not go to the fucking prom with him! I graduated high school in 1979, it is 2019.

Be scared Mexican beaner!

I have never had anything against Mexicans, always watched most work hard. I know not all Mexicans are bad. I also know good Mexicans have and do suffer, at the hands of Mexican gang banging beaners. Think I am playing a game with your fuck Ed Gomez, or Alireza Fatemi, watch fucks. Ed, Alireza, do you know the guy Steve Ortega out here? He has gone by other names?

Ed and Alireza do you know the Mexican lady this morning who always carries around a target bag? If so, who was she targeting this morning? Anyone walking around the area I am living on the streets in, be aware certain individuals are carrying target bags for a specific reason. Targeting individuals to harm, injure and whatever they plan on doing to them.

Beware of a Mexican lady in the mornings carry a target bag.

Ed, Alireza do you know Peggy? This morning I walked in the church bathroom at 5:30 AM to find the water flowing from the faucet, while she was in the bathroom. It was flowing like a water fall, pouring over the top and onto the floor with already an inch of water on the floor, going into the men's bathroom. If I did not get up at that time it would have been in the dining room where people sleep. 

Ed, Alireza are your gang bangers sleeping at the church, tying to ruin it all? Was that a symbol of something on the lecturn? You should be going after Pastor Shit fuck Don at the homeless church of scum. When he was in the ASL the other day with some white flowers they were, alstromeria. He was probably so dumb he did not realize he was trying to indicate the Queen of England is fucking up my life, but Alireza and Ed and their trash fucking gang are.

Last night the guy Kyle who called the cops on me yesterday morning and the other guy I believe his name is Mike and sleeps on the stage at the church, got Armando kicked out. Two punks of fucks. I don't see Kyle or Mike here this morning at the ASL and they have been here everyday. Where did they go? Where did they come from? Are they in Ed, Alireza and clans gang? 

This is a messgage to the Islamic community in America watch how evil I am to you. No games you dirty fucking scum. Ed, Alireza you want to harm all relgions but Islam in America, watch what I do to Islam fucks. War is on fucks. 

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