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Showing posts from January, 2019

Watch Me Hang Myself To Prove I Don't EVER Want To Fuck A Human Being EVER Again, After What You Did To My Life! Not Looking For Love

Watch Me Hang Myself To Prove I Would Never Spend One Precious Second With YOU!

Watch SCUM Fuck Cowards

Watch Me Hang Myself To Show You I Would NEVER Respect You EVER SCUM

Watch Me Hang Myself To Prove The Hate I Have For YOU

Watch Me Hang Myself All You Coward Fucking SCUM

No Respect America & Americans

Not Out Here For You To Play Games With

Not Out Here Looking For Love

Not Out Here For Your Freedom

Not Out Here For Your Justice

Not A Sacrificial Animal

The Respect Is Gone!

I Would Never Give A Fuck About America Or Americans After What You Did To Me You EVIL Cowards

Incompetent, Disrespectful, Negligent, Cowards That Is All You ARE Everyone In This Fuck Show Always Have Been Always Would Be!

Should I Continue To Live So You All Can Watch Me Live In Hell And Fuck Me Up Everyday With Violent Iranian Abusers, Laugh At Me, Call Me All Kinds Of Names - While You Fucking Enjoy Life? Or Should I Hang Myself?

Keep Hiding Cowards I Would Never Ever Respect YOU - Keep All The Fame, Honor, Glory, Cash, Self-Importance, . . . Don't Want That Shit - I Wanted Justice Fucks Go Stand By Linda Sarsour Women Would NEVER Respect YOU!

Believe Me I WAS Born In A Country I Could NEVER Respect EVER It's Gone!

I Will Make You All Understand I Will NEVER Respect America, Americans Or The World EVER - WATCH - I Was Born In A Country Of Cowards Not The Country Of Men Who Fought Wars But The Years Of Cowards

My Story Is The Perfect Story, As To Why Abortion And Suicide Should Be Legal - This Is Not Life It Is Anti-Life!

My mom should have aborted me. I mean this with great conviction. Any person who would deal with abuse, or hell after what I have been through has the right to take their life. And the mental health field needs to shut up about this issue. Stop acting like they care if someone does, or does not take their life. Stop claiming it is a crime and if someone finds out that you might take your life, they have to take you to a mental place. How evil and fucked up that concept is. You get to pummel someone every goddamn fucking day in crazyville and tell them they cannot take their life, because you want to keep fucking pummeling them? Can you fucking imagine that shit? Seriously can you? It's ludicrous. While they walk around you enjoying life, going to nice restaurants, hanging with friends, doing their exercise, playing sports, enjoying family, going to plays, . . . it is beyond amazing. It is absurd! And that is why I have no respect, none. Utterly none. I SERIOUSLY Don't ! Bec

It Is Amazing All The People Who Think I AM Doing This For Them As Their Sacrificial Animal - And I Sure As Fuck Am NOT Doing Anything For Anyone - I ONLY Deal With Traders!

Omar, Tlaib, Sarsour, . . . Was That One Of Your Muslim Brotherhood Operatives In The Library Stalking Me? Remember You Started War!

Even The Muslim Country Saudi Arabia Declares War On Other Muslims, Such As Omar, Tlaib, The Muslim Brotherhood, . . .

- Above picture found @: Foreign Policy "Saudi Arabia Declares War On America's Muslim Congresswomen" By Ola Salem December 11, 2018 "Gulf Arab monarchies are using racism, bigotry, and fake news to denounce Washington's newest history-making politicians." "The midterm elections have amplified an existing suspicion in Middle Eastern media of Muslim political activism in the United States. Academics, media outlets, and commentators close to Persian Gulf governments have repeatedly accused Omar, Rashida Tlaib (another newly elected Muslim congresswoman), and Abdul El-Sayed (who made a failed bid to become governor Michigan) of being secret members of the Muslim Brotherhood who are hostile to the governments of Saudi Arabia and the UAE . El-Sayed, an American born to Egyptian immigrants, noticed the attacks from the region during his campaign. Media in the Middle East amplified accusations by a Republican candidate for governor, Patrick Colbe

Linda Sarsour I Hate Islam Because Of What An Iranian Shiite Muslim Did To My Life - No Games Cunt! The World Needs To Hear About The Evil Done In The Name Of Islam And My Story, Whether I Live Or Die, Should Wake Americans UP To Islams Evil!

I Know There Might Be Some Good Muslims Out There, But I Am OVER The Islamic Hell Fuck Show Going On! More Importantly No Woman Stood By My Side Shame On YOU!

Islamic Jihadi Linda Sarsour & 'Don't Care' Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Are FAKE Women Who Don't Give A Fuck About YOU! They Don't Fucking Care

Linda Sarsour And llhan Omar I Have Been Living In Islamic Hell Way Too Long To Treat You With Respect I Was Born In America Not Somali

I Would Rather Be Fighting A REAL War, Than Live One More Day In This Mental HELL! I Really Had Enough! I'm Over Islamic Scum Like Rashida Tlaib And Linda Sarsour Enjoying Life In America While I Live In Hell!

I Declare War On Linda Sarsour, ALL The American Scum Who Has Stood By The Islamic Filthy Scum - I'm Mad Trump Has Not Declared An All Out Real War In America With Military Dispatched Out To All Streets, Tanks Rolling Down Your Streets, Bombs Going Off, Guns Aggressively Used - I Mean Every Word After This Hell

I Don't Need To Live Like A Beggar Homeless Freeloader, But Almost Every Person On Earth Involved In This Fuck Show Sure As All Fucking HELL Must Experience This Evil Shit!

Collectivism  "What subjectivism is in the realm of ethics, collectivism is in the realm of politics. Just as the notion that "Anything I do is right because I chose to do it," is not a moral principle, but a negation of morality - so the notion that " Anything society does is right because society chose to do it ," is not a moral principle, but a negation of moral principles and the banishment of morality from social issues ." - Above found at Ayn Rand lexicon

While Linda Sarsour Has Her Face Plastered All Over America Living A Good Life, While Trying To Change Our Values, Freedom, Rights, Back To A Primitive Time, I Live In HELL!

Hey You Fucking Muslims I Hate The World Because Of An Iranian Scum Fuck Sandnigger Islamic Filth Whose Been Stalking Me My Entire Life!

Keep Thinking I Give One Mother Fuck What Any Person On EARTH Is Doing - I Fucking Don't - You STOLE My Life Fucks

Alireza Fatemi Do You Know Linda Sarsour? Does Linda Like To Be Fucked Up By Americans Like You Have Been Doing To My Life?

I Am Living IN HELL In America, Because America Won't Provide Me Justice For The Actions Of A Violent Stalking Islamic Sandnigger Iranian - I'm Angry As All Hell & Hate America For This Grave Wicked Injustice!

Collectivism " Collectivism means the subjugation of the individual to a group - whether to a race, class, or state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called "the common good." - Above found at Ayn Rand lexicon

I Am NOT A Sacrificial Animal For America, Americans, The World, Anyone, Group, For Your Purpose - If You're NOT Trading Me Value As A Trader We're Not In A Relationship!

Collectivism "Collectivism hols that, in human affairs, the collective - society, the community, the nation, the proletariat, the race, etc. - is the unit of reality and the standard of value. On this view, the individual has reality only as part of the group, and value only insofar as he serves it." - Above found at Ayn Rand lexicon 

I Have NO Respect For America, Americans, The World NONE!

Collectivism "Collectivism holds that the individual has no rights , that his life and work belong to the group  . . . and that the group may sacrifice him at its own whim to its own interests. The only way to implement a doctrine of that kind is by means of brute force - and statism has always been the political corollary of collectivism." - Above found at Ayn Rand lexicon

I Don' t Need To Be Manipulated, Controlled, Ruled, . . . By Any Mother Fucker On EARTH! I Don't Need Free Shit, I Need Fucking Justice So I Can Live Like A Normal Person - Over It!

Collectivism "The political philosophy of collectivism is based on a view of man as a congenital incompetent, a helpless, mindless creature who must be fooled and ruled by a special elite with some unspecified claim to superior wisdom and a lust for power." - Above found at Ayn Rand lexicon 

Alireza Fatemi You ARE The Reason I Hate The World, Fucking You SCUM! Why Can't You Show Up To My Face So I Can Kill You Scum? Show Up!

Collectivism "The advocates of collectivism are motivated not by a desire for men's happiness , but by hatred for man . . . hatred of the good for being the good; . . . the focus of that hatred, the target of its passionate fury, is the man of ability." - Above found at Ayn Rand lexicon 

There Are Enormous Amounts Of Individuals That Must Experience Their Independence Ripped From Them And Have To Rely On The Free Fuck Show Program For Awhile!

Collectivism "Collectivism does not preach sacrifice as a temporary means to some desirable end. Sacrifice is its end - sacrifice as a way of life . It is man's independence, success, prosperity, and happiness that collectivists wish to destroy. Observe the snarling, hysterical hatred with which they greet any suggestion that sacrifice is not necessary , that a non-sacrificial society is possible to men, that it is the only society able to achieve man's well-being. " - Above found at Ayn Rand lexicon 

America And Americans The Respect Is Gone Coward SCUM! I Don't Owe You Nor America Fucking Shit! You Are INCOMPETENT Cowards OVER It! Most Importantly You Steal Others Shit For Personal Importance, SCUM!

I don't have the same errors as Dagny Taggart did. "Her error - Over-optimism - in that she thinks men are better than they are, she doesn't really understand them and is generous about it." - Atlas Shrugged, By Ayn Rand, pg 3 I know what men are and I am not generous about it. Fucking over you dumb cowards and your show. Would never in my life respect you, ever, it is gone . You are SCUM fuck cowards and I would never consider you anything but that. Do you fucking get me Coward fucking scum of the world. You will. Go enjoy your life, because you were the dumb ass fucking coward! The Hate is REAL! "Dagny also had over confidence in that she thinks she can do more than an individual actually can. She thinks she can run a railroad (or the world) single-handed, she can make people do what she wants, or needs, what is right, by the sheer force of her own talent; not by forcing them, of course, not by enslaving them and giving orders - but by the sheer ove

I Will NEVER Respect Anyone On EARTH AGAIN - Keep The SCUM Fucking Over The Show!

America The Land Of Dumb Fucking Coward Fucks Of The World COWARD Fucks!

America And Americans I Owe You Fucks NOTHING SCUM - I Have No Allegiance To America Or Americans Fucking Dumb Coward Fucks NONE!

Keep thinking I give a fuck about America, Americans, You, The World Or any goddamn mother fucking thing. I fucking don't you scum ! Watch the utter HATE I have for America, Americans, The World watch coward fucking dumb scum! You are the filth of the world more so COWARD fucks! I HATE YOU ! I don't owe anyone on earth loyalty, fucking coward fucking scum! You are the ones who are not loyal, nor respectful, nor intelligent fucking COWARD scum! I will never in my life respect America, Americans, or the World fucking EVER again, the respect is GONE scum ! Trash fucking USA you can keep the fucking scum and your COWARD fuck show rolling forever, and take all the fame and honor I HATE YOU Fucking SCUM !  Watch how COWARD trash fuck shows end SCUM fucks ! Cowards the respect is GONE, don't want to live in your COWARD ass fucking world SCUM ! al·le·giance Dictionary result for allegiance /əˈlÄ“jÉ™ns/ noun loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a s

The Respect Is Gone DONE! Watch How My Words Are Truth! Over It! I Will Never Respect America Again!

America And Americans If You Think I Am Into Your Fuck Show YOU ARE Fucking Dumb As All Fuck - The Respect Is GONE - I Am NOT Your Sacrificial Animal Fucks

America, Americans And The World If You Are Going To Leave Me In This Hell, Not Give Me Asylum Watch What The Fuck I Do - I Got No Respect For Anyone Fucking NONE! I Don't Owe America Or Americans Fucking Shit! OVER Your Trash Show!

Linda Sarsour Your Name Will Be On Cardboard Islamic Scum Sue My Ass For Discrimination Islamic Trash!

U.S. Veteran Amber Smith Are You Stalking Me With Iranian Sandnigger Islamic Terrorists? Huh Cunt? Your Name Is Going On Cardboard Cunt!

I Will NEVER Respect YOU EVER! Rather Be Fucking DEAD AS All Fuck!

The Respect Is Fucking GONE!

The Respect Is GONE, Watch How Shows Like This End! Keep The Fame