The Devil Of Ramadi The American Hero - Provoking The Islamic Gang Bangers, Terrorists, Their Clan Of Scum,... Stalking, Destroying And Fucking With Me - I'm Not A Pawn!
I am not a pawn for any political party, any individual, group, anyone or anything, I am NOT your pawn in this fuck show. Everything I do, say, write, the signs I make and protest with are a goal for my own personal agenda. I do not agree with this fuck show, but I only control my life. I am so violently angry at the world, for what you are all doing right now.
I am not a pawn for the Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, any political party, I am not your pawn. Seriously I am NOT your pawn and I am violently angry at what you got rolling! Get real because I ain't a pawn for anyone and I MEAN IT! It does not register in your minds, that I ain't into YOU enjoying life right now, but I ain't! I ain't on the same page as any single fuck on earth.
Rather be dead like Chris Kyle, than breath on more breath. It is 2019 and I am well over your trash fucking show on my good life, because of your ignorance. I promise you all, I am NOT doing this for YOU! Watch! Watch me waiting to blow out my brains in front of your fuck, for your shit show on my good life, while YOU enjoyed fucking life.