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Play American Sniper Every Where - I Have No Game With NO One In This Fuck Show NONE! - It Is Me Against The World In A Lunatic Coward War!

If you seriously believe I am living in hell for you, I am not. Not for any person on earth. If you think I am doing anything for you, I am not! Never have! I do not fight wars like this. But you can. I do not agree to how this war is being fought, in any manner. I am NOT on your team.

Republicans and Democrats do either of you, think I am living in hell for your group, purpose, aim, goals? NO! Nor for any other political party, individual or group. Women Right Advocates, do you think I am living in hell for you? NO! Do you think I hold signs for you, especially you terrorists? NO!

But you terrorists and gang bangers who have been viciously stalking me, basically my entire life, think I do hold signs for you, since my country won't give me justice. It is one fucked up show! It is appalling how this shit was, is being handled. Good Americans being ruined because of coward fucks!

I promise America, Americans and the world I am not living in HELL for one individual on earth and you shall understand I wasn't, WATCH! Keep swarming me with shit I don't give a fuck about, when you communicate with me like a primitive fucking ape! I don't give a fuck about YOU!

I was and have been only out here for one purpose, personal justice and the most fucked insane crazy show is going on around my life, that I have no control over. Seriously think I am doing this to go directly into a relationship, watch how it works out for you.

Tom Perez of the DNC show up to my face Mexican beaner and tell me you and the Democrats run, own my life and I am your sacrificial animal beaner fuck! Show up with Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Oman, Keith Ellison, Andre Carson, Linda Sarsour and all the rest of the scum, force me into a relationship SCUM!

I say radically bad things about America, because I am living in the greatest crazy show in the history of this country, and my country won't give me justice. Since my country won't give me justice the Islamic terrorists and gang bangers stalking, destroying me, think I side with them and I DON'T!

Like my sign today "Play American Sniper Every Where" a movie that many, especially muslims banned and tried to ban when going to be shown. Now you want the movie played, or are you indicating your new movie coming out on 7/3/2019 where the U.S. army takes down the Queen of England?

The only military members that would take down the Queen of England are the traitor fucking shit in the U.S. military. Traitor military members that need to be viciously tortured to evil fucking DEATH! There needs to be an all out war in the U.S. military, in the military, in America, to rid it of the traitor SCUM!

Time to rid the U.S. military of Islamic fucking scum, Mexican beaner fucking scum, Asian fucking scum, white scum and all the other scum fuck traitors in the U.S. military. Time for that war to happen and to clean this shit the fuck up. Playing games with evil is stupid and continuing to, is ignorant as all fuck.

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