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I AM Not Your Political Fucking Goddamn Pawn! For Any Political Party, Especially The Democrats - I Voted For Obama Both Terms, I Voted For Trump - I Would NEVER Vote AGAIN For Anyone EVER!

"Brown Islamic fuck or any other brown foreigner OWNS my life!"

Tom Perez do you think I am your political pawn Mexican beaner fuck? Chuck Schumer do you think I am your political pawn you white nigger? Nancy mother fucking Pelosi do you think I am your political pawn and I would EVER in my life respect YOU? Hell fucking no you dumb white nigger woman. Michael Blake do you think I am your political pawn? Are you with the muslim brotherhood gang stalking me with muslims? Bill Derrough trust me I am not a political pawn for the Democrats, nor the Republicans, but trust me I am well over the foreign fuck on the left and their entitlement program, while I live in HELL! Maria Elena Durazo do you know how long I have been gang stalked by Islamic terrorists and gang bangers in the state and country I was born in, be fucking scared! Ken Martin I am not your political pawn for the Islamic shiite, nanny state, dependent program. Grace Meng I have been gang stalked by muslims, Asians, Mexicans and many other foreigners be scared!

I am no political parties fucking pawn. I have been living the evilest fucking life in America at the hands of a sandnigger fucking muslim who claims his daddy owns America, and he is entitled to fuck with me, fuck me up and stalk me. Are all you leaders in the DNC going to show up with the sandnigger Islamic shiite muslim and tell me he owns my fuck? Show up and watch what the fuck I do to you. The greatest hate crime in America is going on around my fucking life, by muslims and other foreigners I did nothing to . Be scared, because I am over you fucks. Women Right Advocates not once stood by my side, in regards to this sandnigger, not fucking ONCE! Shame the fuck on you.

This is a serious message to you folks. If you are involved with Alireza Fatemi, Ed Gomez and their clan of evil, be scared, I got no fucking game with you. I should of had a lawyer a long fucking time ago, in regards to this evil fucking man. Even your star studded cunt Gloria Allred who takes down white and black men, would not represent me in taking down a brown Islamic shiite Iranian evil mother fucker. Shame the fuck on that cunt. I would like to take down the cunt Gloria Allred, who is probably the sandniggers legal team for taking down good white and black American men, while protecting evil Islamic and foreign scum. Be scared cunt!

Trust me all you foreign fuck on the left, this ain't your life and you don't run mine while you enjoy yours in my fucking country. Who the fuck do you think you fucking are? Keep standing by Linda Sarsour, having her picture plastered all over the fucking place, and articles written about her as a representative of America, while I live the evilest life of Hell in the country I was born in, at the hands of Islamic fucking terrorists and gang bangers, I can't get justice for. Shame the fuck on you!

I used to be, and I said USED TO BE a very kind, nice, welcoming, gracious, peace and loving Californian woman, not fucking anymore, ever fucking again. I know there are good people from all countries, but unfortunately the shit fuck scum ruined my life and now have made it bad for the good here. This is a serious mother fucking message, that I got no fucking game, none. President Obama should have started an all out fucking war when he was in office, right here in America. Now Trump should start an all out war like 1776 taking back our country that was high jacked by evil fucking foreign scum. You don't fool me fucks, but you do fool others! You foreign fuck can blame England all the fuck you want, I BLAME YOU!

If you don't like me calling ALL you fucks names, a sandnigger muslim should have NEVER fucked up my life, and this country should have given me justice long fucking ago. LONG fucking ago! This is the greatest HATE crime in the history of America, by Islamic sandnigger fucking muslims and many other foreign ass fucks. You shouldn't have fucked up my life muslim fuck and all you other scum. This is a crime fucks, and I can't get a lawyer, what the fuck America! All you fake women right advocates, NEVER stood by my side, in the greatest crime on a woman in America. Shame the fuck on you!

An Islamic sandnigger muslim is entitled to fuck up my life, and I can't get justice. But it is a crime to call him and all you fucks that dissed my ass and did not stand by my side, nor provide me legal help nasty names, and that is crime? What the fuck America? Why are any of you reading what I write here, if it is of no relevance to anything, if I am a lazy, loser, liar, . . .? Why are you in my fucking business? Are you scared?

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