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America So Over Your Trash Movie!

Not sure I will live, but I have been screaming about stalking Islamic terrorists and gang bangers in America since 2005. There might be a connection to the death of Chris Kyle and the Iranian shiite terrorists I have been screaming about. I am very angry at America. Not to make light of Chris Kyle's life or death, but after the HELL I have been living in, in America, I would rather be dead. The scum I am bringing to your attention are parasites and leeches that have infiltrated into the military and every aspect of American life.

These terrorists are trying to blame the Queen of England for their evil. Chris Kyle and the true patriots he fought with, know the KIND of Islamic evil I am talking about. They had, have the minds to be able to identify the difference between a real enemy and a fake enemy the real enemy, is trying to use, in their divide and conquer war. Believe me my Islamic stalkers are reading what I am writing to you now. They might have infiltrated into your organization, acting like a patriot.

Many of these Islamic terrorists are firemen in America. They have a career base in all areas, including the military. I have been living on streets for a long time, screaming about these terrorists. All to be called a bigot, liar, racist, and terrorist myself for saying bad things about, terrorists and Islam. This terrorist pitted my family, friends and country against me. Had my own father threaten me that if I did not forgive this man, it would not turn out good.

I never introduced this man to my father. I had not seen this man, in ten years when he had my father threaten me. I have contacted the FBI numerous times, protested in front of the Point Loma Naval Base, and the laundry list of people I have contacted to no avail, is long and wide.

The reason I am contacting you is, I am the angriest American in America. I would rather fight a real war, like Chris Kyle and his team members did over and over overseas, right here in America, than the COWARD ass fuck show this country has going on right now. I have lived a life of radical hell, because of ignorant,  incompetent, negligent Americans who supported, protected, appeased, evaded, the evil Chris, his team and I have been fighting against.

While I write this right fucking now my Islamic stalker believes he has lived a life of hell, but he is the problem this country will never do shit about. EVER! There should have been a war like 1776 started long fucking ago, when Obama was President, but he, his wife, Hillary and all these fucking women dissed my ass and stood by cunts like Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Colin Kaepernick, Keith Ellison, Andre Carson and the list is long and wide.

While I live in utter evil hell on the streets, while Chris Kyle is dead and these people enjoy their goddamn fucking life and do NOTHING! My anger is so intense at the utter shit fuck show going on around my life, that I would sincerely rather be dead like Chris. I have no respect! Chris Kyle went to war with teammates, I am in a coward fucking war of utter crazy fucking making, with people who think they are on my team, but don't communicate with me except in a primitive manner.

There is a one sided war going on, not a war. Never going to be a war, because Americans are not like Chris Kyle and most of his teammates, nor are the Americans living today like those that fought viciously for their freedom and rights. NO the Americans here today are fucking whimps, fight like whimps and let the enemy obliterate them and do NOTHING! I acknowledged a problem long ago and this country dissed my fuck radically.

Chris Kyle might still be alive today if they would have taken what I was saying as truth, but they didn't, still don't and do nothing, but lie, while they all enjoy their life at my and other good Americans expense. They do NOTHING! I was the intelligent one they dissed and never stood by, called me all kinds of names, they stole my shit, they never stood by. I am not in the military, never have been, but my dad and many other family members served in the U.S. military.

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