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My Story Is The Perfect Story, As To Why Abortion And Suicide Should Be Legal - This Is Not Life It Is Anti-Life!

My mom should have aborted me. I mean this with great conviction. Any person who would deal with abuse, or hell after what I have been through has the right to take their life. And the mental health field needs to shut up about this issue. Stop acting like they care if someone does, or does not take their life. Stop claiming it is a crime and if someone finds out that you might take your life, they have to take you to a mental place. How evil and fucked up that concept is.

You get to pummel someone every goddamn fucking day in crazyville and tell them they cannot take their life, because you want to keep fucking pummeling them? Can you fucking imagine that shit? Seriously can you? It's ludicrous. While they walk around you enjoying life, going to nice restaurants, hanging with friends, doing their exercise, playing sports, enjoying family, going to plays, . . . it is beyond amazing. It is absurd!

And that is why I have no respect, none. Utterly none. I SERIOUSLY Don't! Because I have been seeking assistance since 2005 and it is 2019. It is a very appalling situation, on every level. I am not out here making signs for you, fighting for you, doing anything for YOU and I MEAN that, never have been. Only seeking personal justice. I might have been an asset or benefit to you, but if you don't pay me my value, you could be consider a thieve.

I am not out here for your justice, only mine and that is what individual rights is about. I have no respect for the United States of America, NONE! I do not owe America anything, I do not owe Americans anything, I do not owe the world anything. I have no allegiance or loyalty to anyone, group or country, none! I would not consider myself an American. I belong to no country, NONE! I have not, nor will EVER agree to what went down in this fuck show SCUM!

If your worried about my sex life, you should worry about me KILLING fuck, because I sure as fuck would love to. If your worried about me being in a relationship, you are worried about the wrong goddamn fucking thing. Not sure who the fuck you all think you are, but you sure don't run my fuck. Keep the fame, honor, cash, importance, glory, . . . keep all of it that you stole and did not trade with someone who deserves it.

Trust me I have NO RESPECT for any scum on earth, none dumb fucks! Keep running around in your demented FUCK SHOW, that I don't give a fuck about dumb fucks! If you seriously believe I owe you something, I don't owe anyone anything, go enjoy your life, don't you deserve it and I don't. Isn't that the picture here? Trust me, I have no respect for anyone, none. I want to VOMIT! If you seriously and I mean seriously believe I am sitting here waiting for anyone, you are dumb! I don't respect ANYONE.

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