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Even The Muslim Country Saudi Arabia Declares War On Other Muslims, Such As Omar, Tlaib, The Muslim Brotherhood, . . .

"Saudi Arabia Declares War On America's Muslim Congresswomen"
By Ola Salem
December 11, 2018

"Gulf Arab monarchies are using racism, bigotry, and fake news to denounce Washington's newest history-making politicians."

"The midterm elections have amplified an existing suspicion in Middle Eastern media of Muslim political activism in the United States. Academics, media outlets, and commentators close to Persian Gulf governments have repeatedly accused Omar, Rashida Tlaib (another newly elected Muslim congresswoman), and Abdul El-Sayed (who made a failed bid to become governor Michigan) of being secret members of the Muslim Brotherhood who are hostile to the governments of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

El-Sayed, an American born to Egyptian immigrants, noticed the attacks from the region during his campaign. Media in the Middle East amplified accusations by a Republican candidate for governor, Patrick Colbeck, that El-Sayed had links to the Brotherhood. Egyptian newspaper Youm7, for instance, reported that El-Sayed likely lost the election to his link to the "radical" Nation of Islam, and his relationship with Muslim-American activist Linda Sarsour, "known for her radical views."

- Read entire article @: Foreign Policy

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