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I Am Not Seeking A Miracle, Only Seeking Proper Objective Justice

"The enemy you seek to defeat is the law of causality:
it permits you no miracles."

I have been extremely angry at the world, for the primary reason of wanting justice from the infringements upon my rights, by an Iranian shiite muslim. What I am seeking is not a miracle, it is not the unearned, undeserved, . . . it is only proper objective justice, no more no less. A justice I deserve and demand.

This challenge has been intensified for as many reasons imaginable. Things that are completely out of my control, that add no value to my life, but make this situation as mentally crazy as possible to deal with, like a rational individual. I will not seek to use drugs, nor alcohol to suppress the anger, because YOU were the stupid coward. But I would take my life!

I do not give a literal ass mother fuck about anyone, or anything. Not out here as a Nelson Mandela, Susan B. Anthony, . . . or any humanitarian that would give their life away to save stupid mother fucking people, who have been thoroughly enjoying life. We are NOT on the same fucking page! Never have been!

I cannot make other people do anything. Especially when they do not communicate with me like a rational human being. It is ignorant to think I am on the same page with anyone, without proper communication. But I am definitely not out here for you, never ever have been for one second. Not ONE!

I am not asking for a miracle, only proper justice so I can live like a rational individual. I am well over this, I will not get a job, nor collect government assistance in any manner. I have nothing to prove to anyone, NOTHING

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