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To All Who Think It Is Cool To Bring Your KIDS Into This Fuck Show, It's NOT! I Would Never Trust, Nor Respect YOU!

You are the kind of people who would set others up for fake sex crimes. You are the scum fucking bottom dwelling shit on earth. And you should stay the fuck away from me. I am not in your group, never gave you consent to be in your group, and am not an accomplice for things I have never given you permission to be a part of. DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ME? No you don't, because I have been watching your scum show for a long time.

There is only ONE reason I have ever been out here, and if you do not understand that, that is your fucking problem, not fucking mine. I am not out here for any other reason besides what an Iranian sandnigger Islamic fuck, his wives he lied about and his gang have been doing to my life. I am NOT out here for any other reason.

Most importantly, I do not have to live, after what the fuck you ALL did to my life. Well over the evil stalking shit show on my life, by scum I want nothing to do with. I am not out here to be popular or a leader mother fuckers. I am not out here to save the world, or your fucking life mother fuckers. I am only and have only been out here because of what an Iranian sandnigger Islamic fuck did to my life.

But that will never fucking register in any of your minds. It never has and it never fucking would. "Live Free Or Die" - John Stark Is my motto. Because I am very over the mockery you all did to my life and mind. An utter MOCKERY! Trust and respect is earned, if you think you have earned anything from me, you are a fucking idiot! Have you paid me a penny, have you communicated with me like a rational adult?

No all you have done to my life, and so many other good individuals lives is fuck them up, destroy and kill them. That is ALL the fuck you have been doing, this entire fucking time. Now are you going after Bill Gates cause you hate him and you want to destroy him? You and Jack Ma? The gang of evil that thinks they are something besides, fucking EVIL!

Nothing I have been doing is for you. Nothing. All I wanted was justice for my personal situation to rid myself of an Iranian sandnigger Islamic fuck. My teeth are almost gone, my body is a mess, and my life is a nothing. So over you enjoying your life in this fuck show. So over people thinking they know what I am waiting for, that I will go directly into a relationship. It is so fucking creepy and crazy.

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