Mike, Or Jason, Maybe Steve He's Used Many Names, Stood In Front Of Me Outside Telling Me He Is Going To Sue The Laguna Beach Police Department - I Told Him To Stay Away From Me Like I Have Many Fucking Times
"Were she able to feel - she thought as she walked through the concourse of the Terminal - she would know that the heavy indifference she now felt for her railroad was hatred. She could not get rid of the feeling that she was running nothing but freight trains: the passengers, to her, were not living or human. It seemed senseless to waste such enormous effort on preventing catastrophes, on protecting the safety of trains carrying nothing but inanimate objects. She looked at the faces in the Terminal: if he were to die, she thought, to be murdered by the rulers of their system, that these might continue to eat, and travel - would she work to provide them with trains? If she were to scream for their help, would one of them rise to his defense? Did they want him to live, they who had heard him?"
"But this - she thought - this inanimate indifference was the permanent state of the people around her, of men who had no purpose and no passion. This was the state of a non-valuing soul; those who chose it - she wondered - did they want to live?"
- Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand, pg 1110-1111