Dear Women Right Advocates,
This letter is addressed to those who might and I said might still have the concept of a 'Right' somewhere in your mind, who understands what a proper 'Right' is and what a 'Right' is NOT! This is not addressed to any woman who protects and supports Iranian sandnigger Muslims who lie about Not being married, threaten you, your family and the laundry list is long. Nor to any woman who thinks it is acceptable behavior, for a muslim father Yaser Said to kill his beautiful teenage daughters Amina and Sarah Said point blank in the back of his taxi, in Texas, because they wanted to live a western life and he demanded them to live an Islamic life in America.
Yaser Said @ FBIs 10 Most Wanted. When Yaser intentionally walked by me this morning I did not acknowledge, greet or saying anything to him, he made the statement. Like the signs I made were a statement of me being his friend. NO sign I made was for Yaser, Alireza Fatemi, or anyone in his gang, in any manner. All the signs I made were against them and what they have been doing to my life. I am NOT their friend, and they shall not force me to be their friend. I am ONLY their enemy. I did not start this war, they did. Yaser came at me after I said to him, "I am NOT your friend and I am NOT pretending with you." He said, "don't mess or fuck with me!" I am going to provoke you, to do something, to prove you are all liars. Fucking OVER you scum!
I am primarily out here for my own self-interest. But let me say this to any Musilm female who does not want to be abused, killed, most importantly wants to live life on her terms, I know what some of you are up against, and it is horrifying American women right advocates are so back in the woods on this problem and issue that is anti-life. I'm an American whose been living one of the most horrendous lives in America, at the hands of sandnigger Iranian Muslims and I got no fucking game fucks, none! It outrages me, that Yaser Said would have the fucking balls to walk by me and think I am his friend, when I would love to extinguish his fucking life. So OVER this KIND in my country!
This is to Iranian women, who claim they want their rights. After what some Iranian women have been doing to my life in America, I got some problems. These are some nasty fucking women, that deserve a taste of the HELL, I have been living in, at the hands of Iranian men. I know there are probably good Iranian women, but I have been dealing with the filthy, cunning, deceptive ones and I am over their fuck.
Alireza Fatemi were you in the black big benz van #42920K2 this morning, know anyone that was, who knows the BC Photo guy? You always think I do things for you, because your mind is full of grandeur of delusion. Been trying to rid myself of you for a very long time, Iranian sandnigger muslim fuck. People have been driving by for years watching me hold signs. There is so much evidence of my plight for justice, all by myself. I have nothing to lose, but my life, I was not the coward. I was the one who fought for my freedom and rights.
If you think it is acceptable for men to lie about not being married, I don't! This is MY LIFE! More importantly after they lie about NOT being married, you find out they were fucking your life up 20 years prior with that wife. They come after you, threaten you, stalk, hack, terrorize, destroy your life with the wife. Threaten your father, the laundry list is utterly sick of what Iranian sandnigger muslims are entitled to do, in America. While white and black men go to prison, Iranians are rewarded for the same crimes.
If you think whatever Alireza Fatemi claims he has accomplished matters to me, after what he did, you are wrong! Most importantly, I would harm you. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand what I have stated here? You better, because I MEAN IT! I ain't pretending mother fuckers!