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Enter, Perceive, Respond - The U.S. Government Is To Protect Me From Iranian Muslim Terrorists - What's The Fucking Problem?

The Purpose of Politics: No More Politics!
By Michael Hurd
October 30, 2018

"The goal of limited government - at least for me - is NOT to have to talk about politics anymore.

The Bill of Rights and Constitution exist to protect us from too much government - not too little.

It's the advocates of BIG, involved and expansive government who care the most about politics. Politics refers mainly to the intrigues, deceptions, dishonor and corruption of the people who run the government.

When a government goes beyond its proper boundaries, it runs aspects of people's lives it should not be involved in.

We need a national government primarily to make sure we are physically safe from external threats from outsiders who wish to destroy our liberty.

- Read entire article @: DrHurd

For me it is not wish to destroy my liberty, they have been destroying my liberty basically my entire life. I am talking about Iranian sandnigger Muslims and their gang. I am not talking about anyone else. I know who has been destroying my life and it is ONLY Iranian sandnigger Muslims. But the Iranian sandnigger believes the guy who wrote this article is the destroyer, can you fucking imagine these sandniggers Iranian Muslim fucks? I can!

When you showing up sandnigger? Waiting sandnigger!

How many lives will you allow the Iranian sandnigger Muslim Alireza Fatemi and gang to destroy? How many have you allowed, and how many more will be allowed? The purpose of the U.S. government is to protect American citizens from foreign invaders. What the fuck are you doing America? Why America is a sandnigger Iranian Muslim fuck entitled to stalk, hack and terrorize? EXPLAIN!

Every single thing I touch this Iranian sandnigger Muslim ruins, destroys, fucks up, . . . when are you going to do something about this sandnigger America? That is what the fuck the American government is for. The protection of rights, not all the other fucking shit. This is a Threat that if you don't do something, I fucking will regarding this Iranian sandnigger Muslim. THREAT!

If you are in the U.S. military and fucking my life up with Iranian sandnigger Muslims I will kill your fuck. Send this message around cause I ain't playing a game fucks. Any U.S. military member who has been fucking up my life with Iranian sandnigger Muslims watch fucks. I will blow you up or torture your fuck to evil, vicious wicked ass death. Did I make myself fucking clear?

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