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You Can't Expect Iranians Not To Live By Death To America, England, Israel, . . .

"Ayn Rand Wrote a Guide for Hollywood on How to Make Pro-Capitalist Movies"

Under the heading of "Don't Smear an Independent Man"

"Don't make every form of loneliness a sin, and every form of the herd spirit a virtue.

Remember that America is the country of the pioneer, the non-conformist, the inventor, the originator, the innovator. Remember that all the great thinkers, artists, scientists were single, individual, independent men who stood alone, and discovered new directions of achievement - alone."

Don't let yourself be fooled when the Reds tell you that what they want to destroy are men like Hitler or Mussolini. What they want to destroy are men like Shakespeare, Chopin and Edison."

On "you know who else wanted to invade Hollywood..."

"There is no obligation on you to make political pictures - if you do not wish to take a strong stand. You are free to confine your work to good, honest, non-political movies. But there is a moral obligation on you to present the political ideas of Americanism strongly and honestly - if you undertake pictures with political themes.

And when you make pictures with political themes and implications - DON'T hire communists to write, direct or produce them. You cannot expect Communists to remain "neutral" and not to insert their own ideas into their work. Take them at their word, not ours. They have declared openly and repeatedly that their first obligation is to the Communist Party, that their first duty is to spread Party propaganda, and that their work in pictures is only a means to an end, the end being the Dictator - ship of the Proletariat.

You had better believe them about their own stated intentions.

Remember that Hitler, too, had stated openly that his aim was world conquest, but nobody believed him or took it seriously until it was too late."

~ Read the entire article @: Paleofuture

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