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I Am And Will Always Be Proud Of Myself, I Earned My Self-Esteem!

"Your moral stature is not at the mercy of anyone!"
- Onkar Ghate

I have been living in crazyville for a long time. And all the lies about something going to be over matter. Because when you lie so many times about something going to be over, someone will never believe you. More importantly that person will not sit idly by hoping you are telling the truth this time, because of all the past lies. 

I will take the actions I want to. I have no fear of death, because I Am over the hell. Trust me I am not playing games with anyone. If something happens to me, I made the personal choices to stand up to evil. I was not an American COWARD! Most importantly I knew why I took the actions I did. Because justice matters, and without justice in this situation, it was a death sentence. 

I am extremely tired, but I know if I just do nothing and become docile that is another form of death. These people have been following me for a long time, poisoning and destroying everything I touch. Their surveillance is 24/7, they're OCD jihadis. They want to control, manipulate everything and everyone 24/7. That is important!

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